Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.127:2005-3019 Changes in streamflow timing in New England during the 20th century ... from the National Streamflow Information Program / 1
I 19.127:2005-3020 Trends in the water budget of the Mississippi River basin, 1949-1997 from the National Streamflow Information Program. 1
I 19.127:2005-3021 Taking the pulse of Colorado's Front Range developing regional indicators of environmental and quality of life condition. 1
I 19.127:2005-3022 Assessing the vulnerability of public-supply wells to contamination from urban, agricultural, and natural sources 1
I 19.127:2005-3023 Metallic mineral resource assessment of the Humboldt River Basin, northern Nevada / 1
I 19.127:2005-3024 Steam explosions, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions : what's in Yellowstone's future? / 1
I 19.127:2005-3025 Monitoring ground deformation from space 1
I 19.127:2005-3026 Responding to global earthquake hazards PAGER-rapid assessment and notification of an earthquake's impact. 1
I 19.127:2005-3027 Assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources of the Raton Basin-Sierra Grande Uplift Province of New Mexico and Colorado, 2004. 1
I 19.127:2005-3028 Floods in southwest-central Florida from Hurricane Frances, September 2004 1
I 19.127:2005-3029 Assessing sandhill crane roosting habitat along the Platte River, Nebraska 1
I 19.127:2005-3030 The status of streamflow and ground-water-level monitoring networks in Maryland, 2005 1
I 19.127:2005-3031 Simulated effects of the proposed Sulphur Gulch reservoir operations on Colorado River quantity and quality 1
I 19.127:2005-3032 Integrated fire science in the Rocky Mountains 1
I 19.127:2005-3033 Communicating with wildland interface communities during wildfire 1
I 19.127:2005-3034 People and water in the Assabet River basin, eastern Massachusetts / 1
I 19.127:2005-3035 Basin and range carbonate aquifer system study 1
I 19.127:2005-3036 Mount St. Helens erupts again activity from September 2004 through March 2005 / 1
I 19.127:2005-3037 The Cache la Poudre River, Colorado, as a drinking-water source /
The Cache la Poudre River, Colorado, as a drinking-water source
I 19.127:2005-3038 Assessing the seismic hazards of afghanistan 1