Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.127:2005-3102 Roads and traffic effects on ecology and wildlife habitat use applications for cooperative adaptive management / 1
I 19.127:2005-3103 Host fish identification and early life thermal requirements for the federal endangered winged mapleleaf mussel 1
I 19.127:2005-3104 A NOAA--USGS demonstration flash-flood and debris-flow early-warning system 1
I 19.127:2005-3106 Southern California wildfires and debris flows / 1
I 19.127:2005-3107 Southern California landslides--an overview 1
I 19.127:2005-3108 Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center--2005 1
I 19.127:2005-3109 Brown treesnake (Boiga irregularis) fact sheet for Pacific Island residents and travelers 1
I 19.127:2005-3110 Imperiled species and communities threatened by invasive species 1
I 19.127:2005-3111 Naturally occurring arsenic in ground water, Norman, Oklahoma, 2004, and remediation options for produced water 1
I 19.127:2005-3113 Great Lakes Basin water availability and use a study of the National Assessment of Water Availability and Use Program / 1
I 19.127:2005-3114 Advanced very high resolution radiometer normalized difference vegetation index composites 1
I 19.127:2005-3115 The USGS Land Cover Institute 1
I 19.127:2005-3117 U.S. Geological Survey aids federal agencies in obtaining commercial satellite and aerial imagery 1
I 19.127:2005-3118 Global visualization (GloVis) viewer 1
I 19.127:2005-3120 Economic analysis of undiscovered oil and gas of the central North Slope of Alaska, 2005 / 1
I 19.127:2005-3121 Hurricane hazards--a national threat 1
I 19.127:2005-3123 Expanding the mercury deposition network in Virginia and the U.S. Mid-Atlantic region 1
I 19.127:2005-3124 Science to sustain terminal lakes the Walker River Basin Study. 1
I 19.127:2005-3125 2005 assessment of undiscovered oil and gas resources in Hanna, Laramie, Shirley Basins Province, Wyoming 1
I 19.127:2005-3126 The U.S. Geological Survey and City of Atlanta water-quality and water-quantity monitoring network 1