Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.13:1844 Geohydrology of the Souris River Valley in the vicinity of Minot, North Dakota / 2
I 19.13:1845 Ground-water levels in the United States 1961-65 ; northwestern states / 1
I 19.13:1846 Ground water in the vicinity of American Falls Reservoir, Idaho / 2
I 19.13:1847 Ground water in the Eola-Amity Hills area, northern Willamette Valley, Oregon / 2
I 19.13:1848 Ground-water resources of the Sevier River Basin between Yuba Dam and Leamington Canyon, Utah / 2
I 19.13:1849 Roughness characteristics of natural channels / 2
I 19.13:1850-A Floods of March-May 1965 in the Upper Mississippi River Basin / 2
I 19.13:1850-B Floods of June 1965 in South Platte River Basin, Colorado / 2
I 19.13:1850-C Floods of November 1965 to January 1966 in the Gila River Basin, Arizona and New Mexico, and adjacent basins in Arizona / 2
I 19.13:1850-D Floods of June 1965 in Arkansas River Basin, Colorado, Kansas, and New Mexico / 2
I 19.13:1850-E Summary of floods in the United States during 1965 / 2
I 19.13:1851 Surface-water hydrology of California coastal basins between San Francisco Bay and Eel River / 2
I 19.13:1852 Water resources of King County, Washington / 2
I 19.13:1853 Flow pattern and related chemical quality of ground water in the "500-foot" sand in the Memphis area, Tennessee / 2
I 19.13:1854 Ground-water hydrology of the Sevier Desert, Utah / 2
I 19.13:1855 Ground-water levels in the United States 1961-65. 1
I 19.13:1856 Water for the growing needs of Harrison County, Mississippi / 1
i 19.13:1856 Water for the growing needs of Harrison County, Mississippi : an evaluation of the potential of streams and aquifers to satisfy the growing industrial and municipal water needs of an expanding economy on Mississippi's gulf coast / 1
I 19.13:1857 Water resources of Grant and Hot Spring Counties, Arkansas / 2
I 19.13:1858 Use of water by riparian vegetation, Cottonwood Wash, Arizona / 2