I 19.13:2211
Preliminary evaluation of ground-water contamination by coal-tar derivatives, St. Louis Park area, Minnesota / |
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I 19.13:2212
Water quality in the New River from Calexico to the Salton Sea, Imperial County, California / |
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I 19.13:2212/985
Water quality in the New River from Calexico to the Salton Sea, Imperial County, California / |
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I 19.13:2213
Acoustic systems for the measurement of streamflow / |
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I 19.13:2214
Estimating peak discharges of small, rural streams in Massachusetts / |
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I 19.13:2215
Availability and quality of water from the Dakota aquifer, northwest Iowa / |
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I 19.13:2216
Daily water and sediment discharges from selected rivers of the eastern United States : a time-series modeling approach / |
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I 19.13:2217
Evaluation of major dike-impounded ground-water reservoirs, Island of Oahu / |
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I 19.13:2218
Sewage plume in a sand and gravel aquifer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts / |
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I 19.13:2219
Hydrogeologic setting and the potentiometric surfaces of regional aquifers in the Hollandale embayment, southeastern Minnesota, 1970-80 / |
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I 19.13:2220
Basic ground-water hydrology / |
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I 19.13:2220/2004
Basic ground-water hydrology / |
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I 19.13:2221
Hydrology of major estuaries and sounds of North Carolina / |
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I 19.13:2222
Hydrologic characteristics of Nebraska soils / |
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I 19.13:2223
Floods of October 1977 in southern Arizona and March 1978 in central Arizona / |
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I 19.13:2224
Quantity and quality of streamflow in the southeastern Uinta Basin, Utah and Colorado / |
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I 19.13:2225
Traveltimes of flood waves on the New River between Hinton and Hawks Nest, West Virginia / |
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I 19.13:2226
Low-level radioactive-waste burial at the Palos Forest Preserve, Illinois : geology and hydrology of the glacial drift, as related to the migration of tritium / |
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I 19.13:2227
Water resources of the Zuni tribal lands, McKinley and Cibola Counties, New Mexico / |
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I 19.13:2228
Evaluation of environmental factors affecting yields of major dissolved ions of streams in the United States / |
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