Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-18/2006-2 User's guide to the Variably Saturated Flow (VSF) process for MODFLOW [electronic resource] 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-19 Documentation of the Unsaturated-Zone Flow (UZF1) package for modeling unsaturated flow between the land surface and the water table with MODFLOW-2005 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-20 GoPhast, a graphical user interface for PHAST 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A 21 MODFLOW-2005, the U.S. Geological Survey modular ground-water model documentation of the multiple-refined-areas capablity of Local Grid Refinement (LGR) and the Boundary Flow and Head (BFH) package / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-22 SEAWAT version 4 a computer program for simulation of multi-species solute and heat transport / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-24 Documentation of a conduit flow process (CFP) for MODFLOW-2005 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-25 Guide to the revised ground-water flow and heat transport simulator HYDROTHERM--version 3 / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-26 NetpathXL, an Excel interface to the program NETPATH 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-27 User guide for HUFPrint, a tabulation and visualization utility for the Hydrogeologic-Unit Flow (HUF) package of MODFLOW 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.A-28 User guide and documentation for five MODFLOW ground-water modeling utility programs 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.B-1 Simulation of surface-water integrated flow and transport in two-dimensions SWIFT2D user's manual / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.B-3 The SPARROW surface water-quality model theory, application, and user documentation / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.B-4 The GIS Weasel user's manual 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.B-5 Procedures for developing models to predict exceedances of recreational water-quality standards at coastal beaches 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.B 6 One-Dimensional Transport with Equilibrium Chemistry (OTEQ) a reactive transport model for streams and rivers / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.C-1 Middle Mississippi River Decision Support System user's manual / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.D-1 GSFLOW, Coupled Ground-Water and Surface-Water Flow model based on the integration of the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and the Modular Ground-Water Flow Model (MODFLOW-2005) 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.E 2 OPR-PPR., a computer program for assessing data importance to model predictions using linear statistics constructed using the JUPITER API / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.6/CHAP.E 3 MMA, a computer code for multi-model analysis constructed using the JUPITER API ; JUPITER: Joint Universal Parameter IndenTification and Evaluation of Reliability, API: Application Programming Interface / 1
I 19.15/5:BK.7/CHAP.1 Fast, inclusive searches for geographic names using digraphs 1