Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.16:179 Origin of the copper deposits of the Ducktown type in the southern Appalachian region /
Origin of copper deposits of Ducktown type in southern Appalachian region.
I19.16..179 Origin of copper deposits of Ducktown type in southern Appalachian region. 1
I 19.16:179-182 The minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, Sussex County, New Jersey /
The Tertiary floras of Alaska /
Origin of the copper deposits of the Ducktown type in the southern Appalachian region /
I 19.16:179-183 Correlation of the Jurassic formations of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado /
Upper Eocene Foraminifera of the southeastern United States /
I 19.16:180 The minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, Sussex County, New Jersey /
Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, Sussex County, N. J.
I19.16..180 Minerals of Franklin and Sterling Hill, Sussex County, N. J. 2
I 19.16:180-F A fossil flora from the Frontier formation of southwestern Wyoming / 1
I 19.16:181 Upper Eocene Foraminifera of the southeastern United States /
Upper Eocene Foraminifera of southeastern United States.
I19.16..181 Upper Eocene Foraminifera of southeastern United States. 1
I 19.16:182 The Tertiary floras of Alaska / 3
I 19.16:183 Correlation of the Jurassic formations of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Colorado /
Correlation of Jurassic formations of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado.
I19.16..183 Correlation of Jurassic formations of parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. 1
I 19.16:184 Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Lake Superior Region : a review of newly discovered geologic features, with a revised geologic map /
Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the Lake Superior Region, a review of newly discovered geologic features with a revised geologic map.
I19.16..184 Pre-Cambrian Rocks of the Lake Superior Region, a review of newly discovered geologic features with a revised geologic map. 1
I 19.16:184-185 Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Lake Superior Region : a review of newly discovered geologic features, with a revised geologic map / 1
I 19.16:185 The flora of the New Albany shale / 1
I 19.16:185-A Studies on the alkalinity of some silicate minerals / 2
I 19.16:185-B Paleozoic formations of the Mosquito Range, Colorado / 2
I 19.16:185-C The recognizable species of the Green River flora / 2
I 19.16:185-D A flora of Pottsville Age from the Mosquito Range, Colorado /
A Flora of Pottsville Age from the Mosquito Range, Colorado /