Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.16:189-G Foraminifera, diatoms, and mollusks from test wells near Elizabeth City, North Carolina /
Foraminifera, diatoms, and mollusks from test wells near ELizabeth City, North Carolina /
I 19.16:189-H Pleistocene diatoms from Long Island, New York / 2
I 19.16:189-I Fossil plants from the Colgate member of the Fox Hills sandstone and adjacent strata / 2
I 19.16:190 Lower Pliocene mollusks and echinoids from the Los Angeles basin, California and their inferred environment /
Lower Pliocene mollusks and echinoids from Los Angeles Basin, California.
I19.16..190 Lower Pliocene mollusks and echinoids from Los Angeles Basin, California. 1
I 19.16:191 A monograph of the foraminiferal family Nonionidae /
A Monograph of foraminiferal family Nonionidae.
I19.16..191 A Monograph of foraminiferal family Nonionidae. 1
I 19.16:191-94 Areal geology of Alaska /
Transgressive and regressive cretaceous deposits in southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico /
I 19.16:192 Areal geology of Alaska /
Areal geology of Alaska.
I19.16..192 Areal geology of Alaska. 1
I 19.16:193-A A new upper Cretaceous Rudistid from the Kemp Clay of Texas / 2
I 19.16:193-B Notes on fossils from the Eocene of the Gulf province /
Notes on fossils from the Eocene of the Gulf province : The annelid genus Tubulostium ; The gastropod families cassididae, ficidae, and buccinidae /
I 19.16:193-C Some linguloid shells from the late Devonian and early carboniferous rocks of Pennsylvania and Ohio / 2
I 19.16:193-D Some Structural Features of the Northern Anthracite Coal Basin, Pennsylvania.
Some structural features of the northern anthracite coal basin, Pennsylvania /
I19.16..193-D Some Structural Features of the Northern Anthracite Coal Basin, Pennsylvania. 2
I 19.16:193-E Additions to the Wilcox flora from Kentucky and Texas /
Additions to the Wilcox Flora from Kentucky to Texas.
I19.16..193-E Additions to the Wilcox Flora from Kentucky to Texas. 2
I 19.16:193-F Transgressive and Regressive Cretaceous Deposits in Southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico.
Transgressive and regressive cretaceous deposits in southern San Juan Basin, N. Mexi. /
Transgressive and regressive cretaceous deposits in southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico /
I19.16..193-F Transgressive and Regressive Cretaceous Deposits in Southern San Juan Basin, New Mexico. 2
I 19.16:194 The Gold Quartz Veins of Grass Valley, California.
The gold quartz veins of Grass valley, California /