Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.16:560-C Aden Protectorate /
Geology of the Arabian Peninsula : Aden Protectorate /
I 19.16:560-D Sedimentary geology of Saudi Arabia /
Geology of the Arabian Peninsula : sedimentary geology of Saudi Arabia /
I 19.16:560-E Bahrain /
Geology of the Arabian Peninsula : Bahrain /
I 19.16:560-F Kuwait /
Geology of the Arabian Peninsula : Kuwait /
I 19.16:560-G Southwestern Iraq /
Geology of the Arabian Peninsula : southwestern Iraq /
I 19.16:560-H Eastern Aden Protectorate and part of Dhufar / by Z. R. Beydoun.
Geology of the Arabian Peninsula : Eastern Aden Protectorate and part of Dhufar /
I 19.16:560-I Geology of the Arabian peninsula : Jordan /
Jordan /
I 19.16:561 Chemical composition of sedimentary rocks in Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wyoming / 2
I 19.16:562-A Sediment transport in Cache Creek drainage basin in the Coast Ranges west of Sacramento, California / 2
I 19.16:562-B Flume experiments on the transport of a coarse sand / 2
I 19.16:562-C The behavior of large particles falling in quiescent liquids / 2
I 19.16:562-D Response of a laboratory alluvial channel to changes of hydraulic and sediment-transport variables / 2
I 19.16:562-E Fluorescent sand as a tracer of fluvial sediment / 2
I 19.16:562-F Statistical properties of dune profiles / 2
I 19.16:562-G Field measurement of the initiation of large bed particle motion in Blue Creek near Klamath, California / 2
I 19.16:562-H Flume width and water depth effects in sediment-transport experiments / 2
I 19.16:562-I Transport and dispersion of fluorescent tracer particles for the flat-bed condition, Rio Grande conveyance channel, near Bernardo, New Mexico /
Transport and dispersion of fluorescent tracer particles for the flat-bed condition : Rio Grande conveyance channel, near Bernardo, New Mexico /
I 19.16:562-J Summary of alluvial-channel data from Rio Grande conveyance channel, New Mexico, 1965-69 / 2
I 19.16:562-K An experimental study of heavy-mineral segregation under alluvial-flow conditions / 2
I 19.16:563-C Distribution of roots and rhizomes in different soil types in the Pine Barrens of New Jersey / 2