Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.16:740 Paleozoic and Precambrian rocks of Alaska and their role in its structural evolution / 2
I 19.16:741 The quinary reciprocal salt system Na,K,Mg,Ca/Cl, S04--a review of the literature with new data /
The quinary reciprocal salt system Na,K,Mg,Ca/Cl, S0₄--a review of the literature with new data /
I 19.16:742 Characteristics of estuarine sediments of the United States / 2
I 19.16:743-A Biostratigraphy of Mississippian lithostrotionoid corals, Lisburne Group, arctic Alaska / 2
I 19.16:743-B Stratigraphic distribution of significant Eocene palynomorphs of the Mississippi embayment / 2
I 19.16:743-C Complexiopollis pollen lineage in Mississippi embayment rocks / 2
I 19.16:743-D Dimorphism in two new genera of Devonian tabulate corals / 1
I 19.16:743-E Stratigraphic distribution of species of the megaspore genus Minerisporites in North America / 2
I 19.16:743-F Microfossil correlation of California, lower Tertiary sections : a comparison / 2
I 19.16:744 The Shawangunk Formation (Upper Ordovician(?) to Middle Silurian) in eastern Pennsylvania / 2
I 19.16:745 Geology and uranium deposits, Shirley Basin area, Wyoming : a study of the geochemistry and genesis of the uranium deposits and their relation to regional stratigraphy, structure, and hydrology /
Geology and uranium deposits, Shirley Basin area, Wyoming /
I 19.16:746 Cenozoic rocks of the Santa Rita mountains, southeast of Tucson, Arizona / 2
I 19.16:747 Pennsylvanian carbonates, paleoecology, and rugose colonial corals, north flank, eastern Brooks Range, Arctic Alaska / 2
I 19.16:748 Structural geology of the Santa Rita Mountains, southeast of Tucson, Arizona / 2
I 19.16:749 Distribution of the Middle Ordovician Copenhagen formation and its trilobites in Nevada / 2
I 19.16:750 Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter C.
Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter A.
Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter D.
Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter B.
I 19.16:750-A Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter A. 1
I 19.16:750-B Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter B. 1
I 19.16:750-C Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter C. 1
I 19.16:750-D Geological Survey research, 1971 : Chapter D. 1