Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.16:81-84 Cretaceous deposits of the eastern Gulf region and species of Exogyra from the eastern Gulf region and the Carolinas /
The geology of Long Island, New York /
The middle Triassic marine invertebrate faunas of North America /
I 19.16:82 The geology of Long Island, New York / 2
I 19.16:83 The middle Triassic marine invertebrate faunas of North America / 2
I 19.16:84 The Upper Cretaceous and Eocene floras of South Carolina and Georgia / 2
I 19.16:85 Shorter contributions to general geology, 1913 /
The origin of colemanite deposits /
I 19.16:85-89 The fauna of the Chapman sandstone of Maine : including descriptions of some related species from the Moose river sandstone / 1
I 19.16:85-A The origin of colemanite deposits / 2
I 19.16:85-B The mud lumps at the mouths of the Mississippi / 2
I 19.16:85-C Interpretation of anomalies of gravity / 2
I 19.16:85-D The Jurassic flora of Cape Lisburne, Alaska / 2
I 19.16:85-E Resins in Paleozoic plants and in coals of high rank / 2
I 19.16:86 The transportation of débris by running water / 2
I 19.16:87 Geology and ore deposits of Copper Mountain and Kasaan Peninsula, Alaska / 2
I 19.16:88 Lavas of Hawaii and their relations / 2
I 19.16:89 The fauna of the Chapman sandstone of Maine including descriptions of some related species from the Moose River sandstone /
The fauna of the Chapman sandstone of Maine : including descriptions of some related species from the Moose river sandstone /
I 19.16:90 Shorter contributions to general geology, 1914 /
Geology of the pitchblende ores of Colorado /
I 19.16:90-91 The inorganic constituents of echinoderms /
Dike rocks of the Apishapa quadrangle, Colorado.
I 19.16:90-A Geology of the pitchblende ores of Colorado / 1
I 19.16:90-B Erosion and sedimentation in Chesapeake Bay, around the mouth of Choptank River. 1
I 19.16:90-C Dike rocks of the Apishapa quadrangle, Colorado. 1