Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.3:1166-E Index to Geophysical abstracts, 188-191, 1962 / 1
I 19.3:1167 Talc resources of the United States / 2
I 19.3:1168 Stratigraphy of the Dripping Spring Quartzite, southeastern Arizona / 2
I 19.3:1169 Geology of the Curlew quadrangle, Ferry County, Washington / 2
I 19.3:1170 Systematic analysis of silicates / 2
I 19.3:1171 Hawaiian volcanoes during 1955 / 2
I 19.3:1172 Measuring geothermal gradients in drill holes less than 60 feet deep, East Tintic district, Utah /
Measuring geothermal gradients in drill holes less than 60 feet deep : East Tintic district, Utah /
I 19.3:1173 Bedrock geology of the Evitts Creek and Pattersons Creek quadrangles, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia / 2
I 19.3:1174 Taconic stratigraphic names : definitions and synonymies /
Taconic stratigraphic names : definitions and synonymies.
I 19.3:1175 Geology of the Cortez quadrangle, Nevada / 2
I 19.3:1176 Geochemistry of rocks and related soils and vegetation in the Yellow Cat area, Grand County, Utah / 2
I 19.3:1177 Geology and ground water in Verde Valley--the Mogollon Rim region, Arizona / 2
I 19.3:1178 Stratigraphy and petrography of the Pybus-Gambier area, Admiralty Island, Alaska / 2
I 19.3:1179 Geology of the Frenchie Creek quadrangle, north-central Nevada / 2
I 19.3:1180-A Cretaceous stratigraphy of the McCarthy A-4 quadrangle, southern Alaska / 2
I 19.3:1180-B The Helderberg Group and the position of the Silurian-Devonian boundary in North America / 2
I 19.3:1180-C Middle and Lower Ordovician formations in southernmost Nevada and adjacent California / 2
I 19.3:1181-A Fluvial sediments : a summary of source, transportation, deposition, and measurement of sediment discharge / 2
I 19.3:1181-B Geology of the Rattlesnake quadrangle Bearpaw Mountains, Blaine County, Montana /
Geology of the Rattlesnake quadrangle, Bearpaw Mountains, Blaine County, Montana /
I 19.3:1181-C Geology of the Platte Canyon quadrangle, Colorado / 2