Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.3:1222-H Uranium deposits of the Moab, Monticello, White Canyon, and Monument Valley districts, Utah and Arizona / 2
I 19.3:1223 Nickel deposits of North America /
Nickel deposits of North America : geology, resources, and reserves of nickel sulfide and nickeliferous laterite deposits in 7 Provinces of Canada and 15 States of the United States /
I 19.3:1224-A Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1964 / 2
I 19.3:1224-B Clays Ferry Formation (Ordovician) : a new map unit in south-central Kentucky /
Clays Ferry formation (Ordovician) -- a new map unit in south-central Kentucky /
I 19.3:1224-C The Lexington limestone (Middle Ordovician) of central Kentucky / 2
I 19.3:1224-D Calloway Creek limestone and Ashlock and Drakes Formations (Upper Ordovician) in south-central Kentucky /
Calloway Creek limestone and Ashlock and Drakes formations (Upper Ordovician) in south-central Kentucky /
I 19.3:1224-E Geyser Creek Fanglomerate (Tertiary) : La Sal Mountains, eastern Utah /
Geyser Creek Fanglomerate (Tertiary), La Sal Mountains, eastern Utah : stratigraphic and structural history of the Geyser Creek Fanglomerate in the La Sal Mountains region /
I 19.3:1224-F Borden Formation (Mississippian) in south and southeast-central Kentucky / 2
I 19.3:1224-G The Yakima Basalt and Ellensburg Formation of south-central Washington / 2
I 19.3:1224-H Stratigraphy and regional relationships of a reference section for the Juana Lopez Member, Mancos Shale, in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico : the lithology and faunal zonation of a well-exposed surface section are described, and the section is compared with the abnormally thin section at the type locality / 2
I 19.3:1224-I Harrodsburg limestone in Kentucky / 2
I 19.3:1224-J Stratigraphic names in the New London area, Connecticut /
Stratigraphic names in the New London area, Connecticut : a revision and redefinition of some stratigraphic units in the New London area /
I 19.3:1225 Construction of pressure-temperature diagrams for multicomponent systems after the method of Schreinemakers : a geometric approach /
Construction of pressure-temperature diagrams for multicomponent systems after the method of Schreinemakers--a geometric approach : a discussion of the topological relations between the compositions of phases and the p-T representation of the invariant, univariant, and divariant equilibria in which these phases participate /
I 19.3:1226 Geology of the Kelso Junction quadrangle, Iron County, Michigan / 2
I 19.3:1227 Geology of the Mount Wilson quadrangle, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado : a bedded sequence of volcanic and sedimentary rocks more than 5,000 feet thick has been intruded by stocks and laccoliths /
Geology of the Mount Wilson quadrangle, western San Juan Mountains, Colorado /
I 19.3:1228 Bauxite reserves and potential aluminum resources of the world /
Bauxite reserves and potential aluminum resources of the world : a compilation of the geologic and geographic occurrence of world reserves and potential resources of bauxite, and of potential sources of aluminum in rocks and minerals other than bauxite /
I 19.3:1229 Geology of the Circle Cliffs area, Garfield and Kane Counties, Utah /
Geology of the Circle Cliffs area, Garfield and Kane counties, Utah : stratigraphy, structure, and economic geology of an area at the west edge of the Colorado Plateau /
I 19.3:1230-A Mineral resources of the San Rafael primitive area, California /
Mineral resources of the San Rafael primitive area, California : description of an area at the southern end of the Coast Ranges /
I 19.3:1230-B Mineral resources of the Spanish Peaks primitive area, Montana /
Mineral resources of the Spanish Peaks primitive area, Montana : an evaluation of the mineral potential of the area /
I 19.3:1230-C Mineral resources of the Flat Tops primitive area, Colorado /
Mineral resources of the Flat Tops primitive area, Colorado : an evaluation of the mineral potential of the area /