Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
I 19.3:1244-C | Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks in the Corozal quadrangle, northern Puerto Rico / | 2 |
I 19.3:1244-D |
Correlation of Upper Triassic and Triassic (?) formations between southwestern Utah and southern Nevada / Correlation of Upper Triassic and Triassic Formations between southwestern Utah and southern Nevada / |
2 |
I 19.3:1244-E |
Permian rock units in the Glass Mountains, west Texas : nomenclature, revisions in ages, and local correlations of rock units of the Leonard Series and lower part of the Guadalupe Series / Permian rock units in the Glass Mountains, west Texas / |
2 |
I 19.3:1244-F | Otter Creek coral bed and its fauna, east-central Kentucky / | 2 |
I 19.3:1244-G | Cambrian and Precambrian rocks of the Groom district, Nevada, southern Great Basin / | 2 |
I 19.3:1244-H |
The Martinsburg formation (Middle and Upper Ordovician) in the Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania-New Jersey : a clarification of the stratigraphy of clastic rocks of Middle and Late Ordovician age in western New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania / The Martinsburg formation (Middle and Upper Ordovician) in the Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania-New Jersey / |
2 |
I 19.3:1244-I |
The Lincoln Creek Formation, Grays Harbor basin southwestern Washington / The Lincoln Creek Formation, Grays Harbor basin : southwestern Washington / |
2 |
I 19.3:1244-J | Carmel formation of the Zion Park region, southwestern Utah : a review / | 2 |
I 19.3:1245 | Delaware place names / | 2 |
I 19.3:1246 |
Metalliferous lode deposits of Alaska : an inventory of the mines and prospects of Alaska and their geologic settings / Metalliferous lode deposits of Alaska / |
2 |
I 19.3:1247 | Low-temperature reaction zones and alpine ultramafic rocks of California, Oregon, and Washington / | 2 |
I 19.3:1248 | Selected X-ray crystallographic data, molar volumes, and densities of minerals and related substances / | 2 |
I 19.3:1249 |
Geology of the Johnson River area, Alaska : an account of surficial and bedrock geology of a representative area in east-central Alaska / Geology of the Johnson River area, Alaska / |
2 |
I 19.3:1250 |
Glossary of uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals : a list of uranium- and thoriumçontaining minerals, with data on composition, type of occurrence, chemical classification, and synonymy / Glossary of uranium- and thorium-bearing minerals : a list of uranium- and thorium-containing minerals, with data on composition, type of occurrence, chemical classification, and synonymy / |
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I 19.3:1251-A |
Mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion at Iron Mountain, Fremont County, Colorado / Mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion at Iron Mountain, Fremont County, Colorado : mafic and ultramafic rocks occur in a small layered funnel-shaped intrusive complex associated with younger alkalic rocks of the McClure Mountain Complex / |
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I 19.3:1251-B |
Stratigraphy, age, and paleotectonic significance of the Cottonwood Canyon member of the Madison Limestone in Wyoming and Montana : a comprehensive study of the facies relations and conodont zonation of transgressive marine beds that straddle the Devonian-Mississippian boundary in the Northern Rocky Mountains / Stratigraphy, age and paleotectonic significance of the Cottonwood Canyon member of the Madison Limestone in Wyoming and Montana / |
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I 19.3:1251-C |
Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy in the Powderhorn-Black Canyon region, Gunnison and Montrose Counties, Colorado : nomenclature, lithology, and stratigraphic relations of a sequence of ash-flow tuffs, flows, and breccia / Tertiary volcanic stratigraphy in the Powderhorn-Black Canyon region, Gunnison and Montrose Counties, Colorado / |
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I 19.3:1251-D |
Nomenclature of formations of Claiborne Group, middle Eocene Coastal Plain of Texas : the nomenclature and correlations of the middle Eocene of Texas are updated, with special reference to the Rio Grande embayment / Nomenclature of formations of Claiborne Group, middle Eocene Coastal Plain of Texas / |
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I 19.3:1251-E |
Geology of the crystalline rocks in the western part of the Morrison quadrangle, Jefferson County, Colorado / Geology of the crystalline rocks in the western part of the Morrison quadrangle, Jefferson County, Colorado : a study of the igneous and metamorphic rocks along the mountain front due west of Denver, Colorado / |
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I 19.3:1251-F |
Geology of the Ohio quadrangle, southwestern part of Adirondack Mountains New York : a description of the petrology and structure of the metamorphic rocks in the southwestern part of the Adirondack Mountains / Geology of the Ohio quadrangle, southwestern part of Adirondack Mountains New York / |
2 |