Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.3:137 The geology of the Fort Riley Military Reservation and vicinity, Kansas / 2
I 19.3:137-142 The geology of the Fort Riley Military Reservation and vicinity, Kansas / 1
I 19.3:138 Artesian well prospects in the Atlantic coastal plain region / 2
I 19.3:139 Geology of the Castle mountain mining district, Montana / 2
I 19.3:140 Report of progress of the Division of Hydrography for the calendar year 1895 / 2
I 19.3:141 The Eocene deposits of the Middle Atlantic slope in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia / 2
I 19.3:142 A brief contribution to the geology and paleontology of northwestern Louisiana / 2
I 19.3:143 Bibliography of clays and the ceramic arts / 2
I 19.3:143-149 The Potomac formation in Virginia / 1
I 19.3:144 The moraines of the Missouri coteau, and their attendant deposits / 2
I 19.3:145 The Potomac formation in Virginia / 2
I 19.3:145-150 Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1895 / 1
I 19.3:146 Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy for the year 1895 / 1
I 19.3:147 Earthquakes in California in 1895 / 2
I 19.3:148 Analyses of rocks, with a chapter on analytical methods, laboratory of the United States Geological survey 1880 to 1896 / 2
I 19.3:149 Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, petrology, and mineralogy, for the year 1896 / 1
I 19.3:150 The educational series of rock specimens, collected and distributed by the United States Geological survey / 2
I 19.3:150-152 The educational series of rock specimens, collected and distributed by the United States Geological survey / 1
I 19.3:151 The lower Cretaceous Gryphæas of the Texas region / 2
I 19.3:152 A catalogue of the Cretaceous and Tertiary plants of North America / 2