Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.3:1429 Geology and mineral resources of the Kuluncak-Sofular area (Malatya K39-a₁ and K39-a₂ quadrangles), Turkey / 2
I 19.3:1430 Mineral resources of the proposed additions to the Scapegoat Wilderness, Powell and Lewis and Clark Counties, Montana /
Mineral resources of the proposed additions to the Scapegoat Wilderness, Powell and Lewis and Clark Counties, Montana : an evaluation of the mineral potential of the area /
I 19.3:1431 Mineral resources of the Bradwell Bay Wilderness and the Sopchoppy River Study Area, Wakulla County, Florida /
Mineral resources of the Bradwell Bay Wilderness and the Sopchoppy River study area, Wakulla County, Florida : an evaluation of the mineral potential of the area /
I 19.3:1432 The Reinhardt Thiessen coal thin-section slide collection of the U.S. Geological Survey : catalog and notes / 2
I 19.3:1433 Eocene rocks in northeast Washington--radiometric ages and correlation : the genetic relations among numerous patches of volcanic rocks / 2
I 19.3:1434 Geology and mineral deposits of the Needle Mountains district, southwestern Colorado / 2
I 19.3:1435-A Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1976 / 1
I 19.3:1435-B The Rio Abajo, Pitahaya, and Daguao Formations in eastern Puerto Rico /
The Río Abajo, Pitahaya, and Daguao Formations in eastern Puerto Rico : a description of three largely volcaniclastic units, which are assigned an early Cretaceous age /
I 19.3:1435-C The Pliocene Conant Creek Tuff in the northern part of the Teton Range and Jackson Hole, Wyoming / 2
I 19.3:1435-D The Science Hill sandstone Member of the Warsaw formation and its relation to other clastic units in south-central Kentucky / 1
I 19.3:1436 Geology of the Yreka quadrangle, Siskiyou County, California / 2
I 19.3:1437 The Permian and Triassic Seven Devils Group, western Idaho and northeastern Oregon / 2
I 19.3:1438 Understanding natural systems : a perspective for land-use planning in Appalachian Kentucky / 2
I 19.3:1439 Mineral resources of the Jarbidge Wilderness and adjacent areas, Elko County, Nevada / 2
I 19.3:1440 A gravity study of the northern part of the Arctic National Wildlife Range, Alaska / 2
I 19.3:1441 Rocks and mineral resources of the Wolf Creek area, Lewis and Clark and Cascade counties, Montana : a descriptive report on an area in the disturbed belt along the eastern front of the northern Rocky Mountains in Western Montana / 2
I 19.3:1442 Selected bibliography and index of earth science reports and maps relating to land-resource planning and management published by the U.S. Geological Survey through October 1976 / 2
I 19.3:1443 Feasibility and cost of using a computer to prepare landslide susceptibility maps of the San Francisco Bay region, California / 2
I 19.3:1444 Geology and thermal history of Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming : geology of travertine deposits and summary of hot-spring activity since 1871 / 2
I 19.3:1445 A manual on fire assaying and determination of the noble metals in geological materials : detailed description of techniques and methods of analysis / 2