Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.3:489 Results of spirit leveling in Utah, 1897 to 1910, inclusive / 2
I 19.3:490 Mineralogical notes. 2
I 19.3:491 The data of geochemistry / 2
I 19.3:492 The gabbros and associated rocks at Preston, Connecticut / 2
I 19.3:492-495 The gabbros and associated rocks at Preston, Connecticut / 1
I 19.3:493 Results of spirit leveling in Illinois, 1909 and 1910 / 2
I 19.3:494 The New Madrid earthquake / 2
I 19.3:495 Bibliography of North American geology for 1910 : with subject index / 1
I 19.3:496 Results of triangulation and primary traverse for the years 1909 and 1910 / 2
I 19.3:497 A reconnaissance of the Jarbidge, Contact and Elk Mountain mining districts, Elko County, Nevada / 2
I 19.3:497-500 Headwater regions of Gulkana and Susitna rivers, Alaska : with accounts of the Valdez Creek and Chistochina placer districts / 1
I 19.3:498 Headwater regions of Gulkana and Susitna rivers, Alaska : with accounts of the Valdez Creek and Chistochina placer districts / 2
I 19.3:499 Coal near the Black hills, Wyoming--South Dakota /
Coal near the Black Hills, Wyoming-South Dakota /
I 19.3:500 Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska valley, Alaska /
Geology and coal fields of the lower Matanuska Valley, Alaska /
I 19.3:501 The Bonnifield region, Alaska / 2
I 19.3:501-506 The Bonnifield region, Alaska / 1
I 19.3:502 The Eagle River region, southeastern Alaska / 2
I 19.3:503 Iron-ore deposits of the Eagle Mountains, California / 2
I 19.3:504 The Sitka mining district, Alaska / 2
I 19.3:505 Mining laws of Australia and New Zealand / 2