Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.42/4:00-4027 Effects of land use on recharge potential of surficial and shallow bedrock aquifers in the upper Illinois River basin /
Effects of land use on recharge potential of surficial and shallow bedrock aquifers in the Upper Illinois River Basin /
I 19.42/4:00-4028 Reconnaissance of arsenic in surface and ground water along the Madison and upper Missouri Rivers, southwestern and west-central Montana / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4029 A precipitation-runoff model for analysis of the effects of water withdrawals on streamflow, Ipswich River Basin, Massachusetts / 1
I 19.42/4:00-4030 Hydrogeologic setting, water budget, and preliminary analysis of ground-water exchange at Lake Starr, a seepage lake in Polk County, Florida 1
I 19.42/4:00-4031 Water-quality assessment of part of the upper Mississippi River basin, Minnesota and Wisconsin : trace elements in streambed sediment and fish livers, 1995-96 / 1
I 19.42/4:00-4032 Effects of a cattail wetland on water quality of Irondequoit Creek near Rochester, New York / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4033 Delineation of tidal scour through marine geophysical techniques at Sloop Channel and Goose Creek Bridges, Jones Beach State Park, Long Island, New York / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4034 Hydrogeology of the Beaver Kill basin in Sullivan, Delaware, and Ulster counties, New York / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4035 Use of a ground-penetrating radar system to detect pre- and post-flood scour at selected bridge sites in New Hampshire, 1996-98 / 1
I 19.42/4:00-4036/CD Measurement of stream discharge by wading draft / 1
I 19.42/4:00-4036/CD/VER.1.1 Measurement of stream discharge by wading 1
I 19.42/4:00-4037 Depositional environment, stratigraphy, and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the St. Francois confining unit in the Fristoe Unit of the Mark Twain National Forest, Missouri / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4038 Microbiological and chemical quality of ground water used as a source of public supply in southern Missouri : Phase I, May 1997-March 1998 / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4040 Controls of stream chemistry and fish populations in the Neversink watershed, Catskill Mountains, New York / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4041 Organochlorine compounds in streambed sediment and in biological tissue from streams and their relations to land use, central Arizona /
Organochlorine compounds in streambed sediment and in biological tissue from streams and their relations to land use, central Arizona /
I 19.42/4:00-4042 Hydrologic treatments affect gaseous carbon loss from organic soils, Twitchell Island, California, October 1995-December 1997 / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4043 Analysis of nitrate and volatile organic compound data for ground water in the Great Salt Lake Basins, Utah, Idaho, and Wyoming, 1980-98, National Water-Quality Assessment Program / 1
I 19.42/4:00-4044 Sedimentation survey of Lago Guajataca, Puerto Rico, January 1999
Sedimentation survey of Lago Guajataca, Puerto Rico, January 1999 /
I 19.42/4:00-4045 Sedimentation survey of Lago La Plata, Puerto Rico, October 1998 / 2
I 19.42/4:00-4046 Bathymetry and selected perspective views of sea floor north and west of Maui, Hawaii / 1