Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
I 19.42/4:01-4256 |
Hydrologic considerations for estimation of storage-capacity requirements of impounding and side-channel reservoirs for water supply in Ohio / Hydrologic considerations for estimation of storage-capacity requirements of impounding and side-channel reservoirs for water supply in Ohio |
2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4257 | Characteristics of shallow deposits beneath Rillito Creek, Pima County, Arizona | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4258 | Snowpack in Maine : maximum observed and March 1 mean equivalent water content / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4259 | Three-dimensional measurements of flow in uncased wells completed in basalt, Mountain Home Air Force Base, Idaho, March 2000 | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4260 |
Effects of highway-deicer application on ground-water quality in a part of the Calumet Aquifer, Northwestern Indiana / Effects of highway-deicer application on ground-water quality in a part of the Calumet Aquifer, Northwestern Indiana |
2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4261 | Evaluation of borehole geophysical logging, aquifer-isolation tests, distribution of contaminants, and water-level measurements at the North Penn Area 5 Superfund site, Bucks and Montgomery Counties, Pennsylvania / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4262 | Conceptual hydrogeologic framework of the shallow aquifer system at Virginia Beach, Virginia | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4263 | Hydrogeologic investigation at Site 5, Willow Grove Naval Air Station/Joint Reserve Base, Horsham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4264 | Interpretation of borehole geophysical logs, aquifer-isolation tests, and water quality, supply wells 1 and 2, Willow Grove Naval Air Station/Joint Reserve Base, Horsham Township, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4265 | Estimated age and source of the young fraction of ground water at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4266 |
Hurricane Mitch : peak discharge for selected river reaches in Honduras / Hurricane Mitch, peak discharge for selected river reaches in Honduras / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4266 S |
Huracán Mitch, caudal de creciente en tramos de ríos seleccionados en Honduras / Huracán Mitch : caudal de creciente en tramos de ríos seleccionados en Honduras / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4267 |
Surface-water, water-quality, and ground-water assessment of the Municipio of Carolina, Puerto Rico, 1997-99 / Surface-water, water-quality, and ground-water assessment of the Municipio of Carolina, Puerto Rico, 1997-99 |
2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4268 | Microbiological quality of water from noncommunity supply wells in carbonate and crystalline aquifers of Pennsylvania / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4269 |
Numerical simulation of streamflow distribution, sediment transport, and sediment deposition along Long Branch Creek in Northeast Missouri / Numerical simulation of streamflow distribution, sediment transport, and sediment deposition along Long Branch Creek in Northeast Missouri |
2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4270 |
Stratigraphy and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the St. Francois confining unit in townships 25-27 N. and ranges 01-02 W., southeastern Missouri / Stratigraphy and vertical hydraulic conductivity of the St. Francois Confining Unit in townships 25-27 N. and ranges 01-02 W., southeastern Missouri / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:01-4271 | Analysis of the magnitude and frequency of the 4-day annual low flow and regression equations for estimating the 4-day, 3-year low-flow frequency at ungaged sites on unregulated streams in New Mexico / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4272 | Soil chemistry and ground-water quality of the water-table zone of the surficial aquifer, Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Camden County, Georgia, 1998 and 1999 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4273 | Quality-assurance data, comparison to water-quality standards, and site considerations for total dissolved gas and water temperature, lower Columbia River, Oregon and Washington, 2001 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:01-4274 | Dissolved cadmium, zinc, and lead loads from ground-water seepage into the South Fork Coeur d'Alene River system, northern Idaho, 1999 | 1 |