Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
I 19.42/4:02-4172 | Calculation of individual isotope equilibrium constants for implementation in geochemical models | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4173 |
Occurrence of volatile organic compounds in drinking water from the United States : results from archived chromatograms and water samples, 1989-2000 / Occurrence of volatile organic compounds in drinking water from the United States results from archived chromatograms and water samples, 1989-2000 / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:02-4174 | U.S. Geological Survey Karst Interest Group proceedings, Shepherdstown, West Virginia August 20-22, 2002 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4175 | Effects of urbanization and long-term rainfall on the occurrence of organic compounds and trace elements in reservoir sediment cores, streambed sediment, and fish tissue from the Santa Ana River Basin, California, 1998 | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4176 | Interdecadal changes in the hydrometeorological regime of the Pacific Northwest and in the regional-to-hemispheric climate regimes, and their linkages | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4177 |
Occurrence and distribution of dissolved trace elements in the surface waters of the Yakima River Basin, Washington / Occurrence and distribution of dissolved trace elements in the surface waters of the Yakima River Basin, Washington, 1999-2000 / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:02-4178 | Trend analysis of ground-water levels and spring discharge in the Yucca Mountain Region, Nevada and California, 1960-2000 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4179 | Trace elements and organic compounds in streambed sediment and fish tissue of coastal New England streams, 1998-99 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4180 | Water quality of springs in the Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province in the upper Tennessee River basin, 1997 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4181 | Response of the St. Croix River pools, Wisconsin and Minnesota, to various phosphorus-loading scenarios / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4182 | Investigation of water quality and aquatic-community structure in Village and Valley Creeks, city of Birmingham, Jefferson County, Alabama, 2000-01 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4183 | Occurrence and transport of cadmium, lead, and zinc in the Spokane River basin, Idaho and Washington, water years 1999-2001 | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4184 | Channel stability and water quality of the Alagnak River, southwestern Alaska / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4185 | Flow-system analysis of the Madison and Minnelusa aquifers in the Rapid City area, South Dakota : conceptual model / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4186 | Guidance on the use of passive-vapor-diffusion samplers to detect volatile organic compounds in ground-water-discharge areas, and example applications in New England / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4187 | Water-quality, biological, and habitat assessment of the Boeuf River basin, southeastern Arkansas, 1994-96 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4188 | Water-quality assessment of the Rio Grande Valley, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas : surface-water quality, shallow ground-water quality, and factors affecting water quality in the Rincon Valley, south-central New Mexico, 1994-1995 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4189 | Water-quality and algal conditions in the Clackamas River Basin, Oregon, and their relations to land and water management / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4190 | Surface-water quality of the Skokomish, Nooksack, and Green-Duwamish rivers and Thornton Creek, Puget Sound basin, Washington, 1995-98 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:02-4191 | Environmental characteristics and geographic information system applications for the development of nutrient thresholds in Oklahoma streams / | 1 |