Call Number (LC) | Title | Results |
I 19.42/4:88-4018 | Ground-water levels spring 1985, and ground-water level changes spring 1983 to spring 1985, in three basalt units underlying the Columbia Plateau, Washington and Oregon / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:88-4018/sh.1-4 | Ground-water levels spring 1985, and ground-water level changes spring 1983 to spring 1985, in three basalt units underlying the Columbia Plateau, Washington and Oregon / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:88-4019 |
Hydrologic features and processes of the Vermilion River, Louisiana / Hydrologic features and processes of the Vermilion River, Louisiana |
2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4020 | Hydrology of the chain of lakes tributary to Devils Lake and water-level simulations of Devils Lake, northeastern North Dakota / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:88-4021 | Fremont Lake, Wyoming : some aspects of the inflow of water and sediment / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4022 | Chemical quality, benthic organisms, and sedimentation in streams draining coal-mined lands in Raccoon Creek basin, Ohio, July 1984 through September 1986 / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:88-4023 | Hydrologic reconnaissance of the Chilkat River basin, southeast Alaska : with special reference to the Alaska Chilkat Bald Eagle Preserve / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4024 |
Hydrology of the Floral City Pool of Tsala Apopka Lake, west-central Florida / Hydrology of the Floral City Pool of Tsala Apopka Lake, west-central Florida |
2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4025 | Distribution of gases in the unsaturated zone at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site near Sheffield, Illinois / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4027 | Tides, and tidal and residual currents in Suisun and San Pablo Bays, California : results of measurements, 1986 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4028 | Hydrology of the Mississippi River Valley alluvial aquifer, south-central United States : a preliminary assessment of the regional flow system / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4029 | Ground-water conditions in the Anza-Terwilliger area, with emphasis on the Cahuilla Indian Reservation, Riverside County, California, 1973-86 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4030 | Water resources of Soledad, Poway, and Moosa basins, San Diego County, California / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4031 | Water-resources appraisal of the Lake Traverse Indian Reservation in South Dakota / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4032 | The U.S. Geological Survey stream-gaging program in west-central Florida / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4033 | Hydrologic effects of pumpage from the Denver basin bedrock aquifers of northern El Paso County, Colorado / | 1 |
I 19.42/4:88-4034 |
Hydrogeologic setting, water levels, and quality of water from supply wells at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina ; prepared in cooperation with the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina / Hydrogeologic setting, water levels, and quality of water from supply wells at the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, North Carolina / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4035 | Chemical budgets and stream-chemistry dynamics of a headwater stream in the Catskill Mountains of New York, 1984-85 October 1, 1983 through September 30, 1985 / | 2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4036 |
Simulation of steady-state ground water and spring flow in the upper Floridan aquifer of coastal Citrus and Hernando counties, Florida / Simulation of steady-state ground water and spring flow in the upper Floridan aquifer of coastal Citrus and Hernando Counties, Florida / |
2 |
I 19.42/4:88-4037 | Single-well injection and recovery of freshwater from an aquifer containing saline water at Arecibo, Puerto Rico / | 1 |