Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.42/4:88-4101 Estimated use of water in Colorado, 1985 / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4103 Water withdrawals, use, and trends in Florida, 1985 / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4104 Factors affecting leaching in agricultural areas and an assessment of agricultural chemicals in the ground water of Kansas / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4105 Surface-water resources of the Columbia Plateau in parts of Washington, Oregon and Idaho / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4106 Simulation of changes in stormwater quality at four potential flow-attenuation sites in the Irondequoit Creek Watershed, Monroe County, New York / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4107 Geohydrology and susceptibility of major aquifers to surface contamination in Alabama, area 11 / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4108 Estimates of ground-water recharge to the Columbia Plateau regional aquifer system, Washington, Oregon, and Idaho, for predevelopment and current land-use conditions / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4110 Lithology, thickness, and extent of hydrogeologic units underlying the East Portland area, Oregon / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4111 Quality of water from public-supply wells in principal aquifers of Illinois, 1984-87 / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4112 Statistical summary of selected water-quality data (water years 1975 through 1985) for Arkansas rivers and streams / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4113 Availability and historical development of ground-water resources of Long Island, New York : an introduction / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4114 Water resources of the Fond du Lac Indian Reservation, east-central Minnesota / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4115 Phytoplankton populations in lakes in Loch Vale, Rocky Mountain National Park, Colorado : sensitivity to acidic conditions and nitrate enrichment / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4116 Effects of river discharge and high-tide stage on salinity intrusion in the Weeki Wachee, Crystal, and Withlacoochee River estuaries, southwest Florida / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4117 Occurrence and distribution of nitrate and herbicides in the Iowa River alluvial aquifer, Iowa--May 1984 to November 1985 / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4118 Reconnaissance of water quality of Pueblo Reservoir, Colorado-- May through December 1985 / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4119 Analysis of postdredging bed-level changes in selected reaches of Wheeling Creek, eastern Ohio, 1985-87 / 2
I 19.42/4:88-4120 Geohydrology and susceptibility of major aquifers to surface contamination in Alabama : area 3 / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4122 Review of mechanisms, methods, and theory for determining recharge to shallow aquifers in North Dakota / 1
I 19.42/4:88-4123 Ground-water-quality-monitoring program in Iowa : nitrate and pesticides in shallow aquifers / 2