I 19.42/4:88-4167
Land-subsidence measurements and aquifer-compaction monitoring in Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Arizona / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4168
Geohydrology of rocks penetrated by test well USW H-5, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4169
Trace elements in bed sediments of the San Joaquin River and its tributary streams, California, 1985 / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4170
Effects of three highway-runoff detention methods on water quality of the surficial aquifer system in central Florida / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4171
Potential for saltwater intrusion into the Upper Floridan aquifer, Hernando and Manatee counties, Florida / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4172
Aquifer-system compaction, Tucson Basin and Avra Valley, Arizona / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4173/991
Water resources and aquifer yields in the Charles River basin, Massachusetts / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4174
Effect of spray irrigation of treated wastewater on water quality of the surficial aquifer system, Reedy Creek Improvement District, central Florida / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4175
Ground-water flow and quality beneath sewage-sludge lagoons, and a comparison with the ground-water quality beneath a sludge-amended landfill, Marion County, Indiana / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4176
Geology of an area near Brentwood, Williamson County, Tennessee / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4177
Geohydrology and susceptibility of major aquifers to surface contamination in Alabama, area 2 / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4178
An experiment in representative ground-water sampling for water-quality analysis / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4179
Hydrogeology, water quality, and effects of increased municipal pumpage of the Saco River Valley glacial aquifer : Bartlett, New Hampshire to Fryeburg, Maine / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4180
Altitude of potentiometric surface, fall 1985, and historic water-level changes in the Memphis Aquifer in western Tennessee / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4181
Geology and ground-water resources of the Cockfield Formation in western Tennessee / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4182
Geology and ground-water resources of the Memphis Sand in western Tennessee / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4183
Aquifer-test analysis of the upper aquifer of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, Union Beach Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey / |
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Aquifer-test analysis of the upper aquifer of the Potomac-Raritan-Magothy aquifer system, Union Beach Borough, Monmouth County, New Jersey / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4184
Ground-water inflow to the Deschutes River near the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, Oregon, August 1985 / |
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I 19.42/4:88-4185
Water resources of Brookings and Kingsbury counties, South Dakota / |
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