I 19.42/4:93-4009
Potential hazards from floodflows within the John Muir House National Historic Site, Franklin Creek drainage basin, California / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4011
Documentation of a computer program (Streamlink) to represent direct-flow connections in a coupled ground-water and surface-water model / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4012
Surface-water and sediment quality in the Old Lead Belt, southeastern Missouri--1988-89 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4013
Regionalization of low-flow characteristics of Arkansas streams / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4014
Detailed study of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in the Salton Sea area, California, 1988-90 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4015
Documentation of geographic-information-system coverages and data-input files used for analysis of the geohydrology of the Virginia Coastal Plain / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4016
Techniques for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods in rural basins of Georgia / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4017
Site selection and collection of bridge-scour data in Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4018
Proceedings of the Federal Interagency Workshop on Hydrologic Modeling Demands for the 90's / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4019
Geohydrology, water quality, and estimation of ground-water recharge in San Francisco, California, 1987-92 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4020
Nonlinear-regression flow model of the Gulf Coast aquifer systems in the south-central United States / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4021
Water resources of Big Horn County, Wyoming / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4022
Flood boundaries and water-surface profiles for the computed 50-, 100-, and 500-year floods, Childs Draw and tributary, near Cheyenne, Wyoming, August, 1991 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4023
Estimation of water withdrawal and distribution, water use, and wastewater collection and return flow in Cumberland, Rhode Island, 1988 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4024
Surface-water hydrology and quality, and macroinvertebrate and smallmouth bass populations in four stream basins in southwestern Wisconsin, 1987-90 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4025
Precision and accuracy of manual water-level measurements taken in the Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada, 1988-90 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4026
Reconnaissance of geology and water resources along the north flank of the Sweet Grass Hills, north-central Montana / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4027
Ground-water quality near an inactive landfill and sludge-spreading area, Tallahassee, Florida / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4028
Salt budget for West Pond, Utah, April 1987 to June 1989 / |
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I 19.42/4:93-4029
Generalized stratigraphy, surficial geology, types of aquifers, and 1988-89 ground-water pumpage in eastern Saratoga County, New York / |
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