Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.42/4:92-4188 Reconnaissance investigation of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in the Pine River Project area, Southern Ute Indian Reservation, southwestern Colorado and northwestern New Mexico, 1988-89 / 1
I 19.42/4:92-4189 Plan of study for the Puget-Willamette Lowland regional aquifer system analysis, western Washington and western Oregon / 1
I 19.42/4:92-4190 Ground-water conditions in Pecos County, Texas, 1987 / 2
I 19.42/4:92-4191 Stream velocities and reareation coeffiecients for the South Umpqua River between Tiller and Roseburg, Oregon, 1991 / 2
I 19.42/4:92-4192 Geohydrology and water quality of stratified-drift aquifers in the middle Merrimack River basin, south-central New Hampshire / 1
I 19.42/4:92-4193 Ground-water-level fluctuations in the Cochiti Dam-Peña Blanca area, Sandoval County, New Mexico, 1976-89 / 1
I 19.42/4:92-4194 Altitude and configuration of the potentiometric surfaces of the upper and lower aquifer systems in Bridgeton, Nockamixon, and Tinicum townships, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, April 1991 through April 1992 / 2
I 19.42/4:92-4195 Use of dye tracing to define the direction of ground-water flow from a superfund waste-disposal site in karst terrane, near Auburn, Kentucky / 2
I 19.42/4:92-4196 Statistical summaries of streamflow data for selected gaging stations on and near the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho, through September 1990 / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4000 Revised potentiometric-surface map, Yucca Mountain and vicinity, Nevada / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4001 Effects of well discharges on hydraulic heads in and spring discharges from the geothermal aquifer system in the Bruneau area, Owyhee County, southwestern Idaho / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4002 Hydrology and water quality of unmined and reclaimed basins in phosphate-mining areas, west-central Florida / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4003 Ground-water flow and quality, and geochemical processes, in Indian Wells Valley, Kern, Inyo, and San Bernardino counties, California, 1987-88 / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4004 Distribution and thickness of unconsolidated deposits in Schuyler County, New York / 1
I 19.42/4:93-4005 Geohydrology and quality of shallow ground water at an near the Old Laurel County and G.C. Singleton Landfills, Laurel County, Kentucky /
Geohydrology and quality of shallow ground water at and near the Old Laurel County and G.C. Singleton Landfills, Laurel County, Kentucky /
I 19.42/4:93-4006 Hydrology and water quality of Reedy Creek in the Reedy Creek Improvement District, central Florida, 1986-89 / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4007 Methane-concentration and methane-isotope data for ground water and soil gas in the Animas River Valley, Colorado and New Mexico, 1990-91 / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4008 Hydraulic properties of the Madison aquifer system in the western Rapid City area, South Dakota / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4009 Potential hazards from floodflows within the John Muir House National Historic Site, Franklin Creek drainage basin, California / 2
I 19.42/4:93-4011 Documentation of a computer program (Streamlink) to represent direct-flow connections in a coupled ground-water and surface-water model / 2