Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.42/4:97-4265 Tidal flow in selected areas of Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor, Florida, 1995-96 / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4265/CORR Tidal flow in selected areas of Tampa Bay and Charlotte Harbor, Florida, 1995-96 / 1
I 19.42/4:97-4266 Hydrogeology in the vicinity of the Nebraska management systems evaluation area site, Central Nebraska / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4267 Geohydrology and ground-water quality of Warwick Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania / 1
I 19.42/4:97-4268 Distribution of dissolved pesticides and other water quality constituents in small streams, and their relation to land use, in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon, 1996 / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4269 Water-quality data and methods of analysis for samples collected near a plume of sewage-contaminated ground water, Ashumet Valley, Cape Cod, Massachusetts, 1993-94 / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4270 Water-quality assessment of the Puget Sound Basin, Washington, nutrient transport in rivers, 1980-93 / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4272 Mesocosm experiments to assess factors affecting phosphorus retention and release in an extended Wisconsin wetland / 1
I 19.42/4:97-4273 Estimated ground-water recharge from streamflow in Fortymile Wash near Yucca Mountain, Nevada / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4274 Numerical simulation of air- and water-flow experiments in a block of variably saturated, fractured tuff from Yucca Mountain, Nevada / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4275 Statistical analysis and mathematical modeling of a tracer test on the Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4276 Geohydrology of the central Oahu, Hawaii, ground-water flow system and numerical simulation of the effects of additional pumping
Geohydrology of the central Oahu, Hawaii, ground-water flow system and numerical simulation of the effects of additional pumping /
I 19.42/4:97-4277 Magnitude and frequency of floods in Washington / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4278 Ground-water flow in the surficial aquifer system and potential movement of contaminants from selected waste-disposal sites at Cecil Field Naval Air Station, Jacksonville, Florida / 1
I 19.42/4:97-4279 Technique for simulating peak-flow hydrographs in Maryland / 1
I 19.42/4:97-4280 Pesticides in surface water of the Mid-Atlantic region / 1
I 19.42/4:97-4281 Characterization and evaluation of channel and hillslope erosion on the Zuni Indian Reservation, New Mexico, 1992-95 / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4282 Potentiometric surface of the Sparta aquifer in eastern and south-central Arkansas and north-central Louisiana, and the Memphis aquifer in east-central Arkansas, October 1996-July 1997 / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4283 Recharge rates to the upper Floridan Aquifer in the Suwannee River Water Management District, Florida / 2
I 19.42/4:97-4284 Occurrence of nitrate and pesticides in ground water beneath three agricultural land-use settings in the eastern San Joaquin Valley, California, 1993-1995 / 2