I 19.42/4-4:2014-5181
Estimates of groundwater recharge rates and sources in the East Mountain area, eastern Bernalillo County, New Mexico, 2005-12 / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5182
Simulation of hydrologic conditions and suspended-sediment loads in the San Antonio River Basin downstream from San Antonio, Texas, 2000-12 / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5182/2016
Hydrologic conditions in urban Miami-Dade County, Florida and the effect of groundwater pumpage and increased sea level on canal leakage and regional groundwater flow / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5183
A geologic and mineral exploration spatial database for the Stillwater Complex, Montana / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5184
Withdrawal and consumption of water by thermoelectric power plants in the United States, 2010 / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5185
Status of groundwater levels and storage volume in the Equus Beds Aquifer near Wichita, Kansas, 2012 to 2014 / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5186
A model for evaluating stream temperature response to climate change in Wisconsin / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5187
Effects of wastewater effluent discharge and treatment facility upgrades on environmental and biological conditions of Indian Creek, Johnson County, Kansas, June 2004 through June 2013 / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5188
Water quality of the Ogallala Formation, central High Plains Aquifer within the North Plains Groundwater Conservation District, Texas Panhandle, 2012-13 / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5189
Design and testing of a process-based groundwater vulnerabilty assessment (P-GWAVA) system for predicting concentrations of agrichemicals in groundwater across the United States / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5190
Simulation of the lower Walker River Basin hydrologic system, west-central Nevada, using PRMS and MODFLOW models / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5191
Lidar point density analysis : implications for identifying water bodies / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5192
Estimation of monthly water yields and flows for 1951-2012 for the United States portion of the Great Lakes Basin with AFINCH / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5193
An Initial abstraction and constant loss model, and methods for estimating unit hydrographs, peak streamflows, and flood volumes for urban basins in Missouri / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5195
Flood inundation maps and updated components for a flood-warning system for the City of Marietta, Ohio and selected communities along the lower Muskingum River and Ohio River / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5196
Modeling uncertainty in coal resource assessments, with an application to a central area of the Gillette coal field, Wyoming / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5197
Seepage investigation on the Rio Grande from below Caballo Reservoir, New Mexico, to El Paso, Texas, 2012 / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5199
Occurrence and trends of selected nutrients, other chemical constituents, diatoms, and cyanobacteria in bottom sediment, Lake Maxinkuckee, northern Indiana / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5200
Turbidity and suspended-sediment in the upper Esopus Creek watershed, Ulster County, New York / |
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I 19.42/4-4:2014-5201
Water and nutrient budgets for Vancouver Lake, Vancouver, Washington, October 2010-October 2012 / |
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