Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:00-310 Concentrations and loads of cadmium, lead, and zinc measured on the ascending and descending limbs of the 1999 snowmelt-runoff hydrographs for nine water-quality stations, Coeur d'Alene River basin, Idaho / 1
I 19.76:00-312 Geoelectrical laboratory and field studies of materials from the Tucson Mine dump near Leadville, Colorado 1
I 19.76:00-313 A note on scrap in the 1992 U.S. input-output tables 1
I 19.76:00-314 Mapping Typha domingensis in the Cienega de Santa Clara using satellite images, global positioning system, and spectrometry 1
I 19.76:00-315 Graphical user interface for MODFLOW, version 4 1
I 19.76:00-317 Undiscovered oil and gas in the Big Cypress National Preserve a total petroleum system assessment of the South Florida basin, Florida / 1
I 19.76:00-322 Concentrations and loads of cadmium, lead, and zinc measured near the peak of the 1999 snowmelt-runoff hydrographs for 42 water-quality stations, Coeur d'Alene River basin, Idaho / 1
I 19.76:00-327 Regional geochemistry of metals in organic-rich sediments, sawgrass and surface water, from Taylor Slough, Florida 1
I 19.76:00-328 Alaska resource data file, Survey Pass quadrangle, Alaska / 1
I 19.76:00-329 Summary of precipitation data for the Black Hills area of South Dakota, water years 1931-98 1
I 19.76:00-330 Three-month performance evaluation of the Nanometrics, Inc., Libra Satellite Seismograph System in the northern California Seismic Network 1
I 19.76:00-331 Gamma-ray, magnetic, and topographic data for parts of the Colorado Front Range 1
I 19.76:00-337 Geochemical and lead-isotopic studies of river sediment from major tributaries, upper Arkansas River watershed, Colorado 1
I 19.76:00-343 Estimating the likelihood of MTBE occurrence in drinking water supplied by ground-water sources in the northeast and mid-Atlantic regions of the United States 1
I 19.76:00-0344 High-streamflow statistics of selected streams in the Red River of the North basin, North Dakota, Minnesota, South Dakota, and Manitoba 1
I 19.76:00-349 A simplified economic filter for underground mining of massive sulfide deposits 1
I 19.76:00-352 SeaMARC 1A sidescan sonar mosaic, cores and depositional interpretation of the Mississippi Fan, ArcView GIS data release 1
I 19.76:00-358 USGS east-coast sediment analysis procedures, database, and georeferenced displays / 1
I 19.76:00-360 A ground electromagnetic survey used to map sulfides and acid sulfate ground waters at the abandoned Cabin Branch Mine, Prince William Forest Park, northern Virginia gold-pyrite belt 1
I 19.76:00-361 Geochemical productivity monitoring in Florida Bay 1