I 19.76:2019-1103
Optimization of salt marsh management at the Rhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex through use of structured decision making / |
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I 19.76:2019-1104
Instructions for running the analytical code PAT (Purge Analyzer Tool) for computation of in-well time of travel of groundwater under pumping conditions / |
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I 19.76:2019-1105
Sampling across 20 years (1996-2017) reveals loss of diversity and genetic connectivity in the Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard (Uma inornata) / |
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I 19.76:2019-1106
Characterization and load estimation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) from selected Rio Grande tributary stormwater channels in the Albuquerque urbanized area, New Mexico, 2017-18 / |
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I 19.76:2019-1107
Application of the stream salmonid simulator (S3) to Klamath River fall chinook salmon (oncorhynchus tshawytscha), California--parameterization and calibration / |
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I 19.76:2019-1108
Economic effects of wildfire risk reduction and source water protection projects in the Rio Grande River Basin in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado / |
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I 19.76:2019-1109
Chronic wasting disease : research by the U.S. Geological Survey and partners / |
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I 19.76:2019-1110
Preliminary bedrock geologic map of Lahore 7.5-minute quadrangle, Orange, Spotsylvania, and Louisa Counties, Virginia / |
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I 19.76:2019-1111
Geology of the Monte Blanco borate deposits, Furnace Creek Wash, Death Valley, California / |
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I 19.76:2019-1112
Economic valuation of Landsat imagery / |
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I 19.76:2019-1113
Full Equations Model Graphical Data Inspector (FEQ-GDI) user guide / |
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I 19.76:2019-1114
Multiple-well monitoring site adjacent to the Lost Hills oil field, Kern County, California. |
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I 19.76:2019-1115
A decision framework to analyze tide-gate options for restoration of the Herring River Estuary, Massachusetts / |
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I 19.76:2019-1116
Evaluating legacy effects of hyperabundant white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) in forested stands of Harriman and Bear Mountain State Parks, New York / |
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I 19.76:2019-1118
Study design and methods for a wetland condition assessment on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service fee-title lands in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana, USA / |
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I 19.76:2019-1119
Detailed lithologic logs from auger holes in southern Charleston County, southwestern Dorchester County, and eastern Colleton County, South Carolina / |
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I 19.76:2019-1120
Differentiating sediment sources using sediment fingerprinting techniques, in the Sprague River Basin, South-Central Oregon / |
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I 19.76:2019-1122
Trends in mammalian predator control trapping events intended to protect ground-nesting, endangered birds at Haleakala National Park, Hawaii, 2000-14 / |
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I 19.76:2019-1124
Quantifying erosion rates by using terrestrial laser scanning at Malakoff Diggins State Historic Park, Nevada County, California, 2014-17 / |
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I 19.76:2019-1125
Using the STARS model to evaluate the effects of the proposed action for the reinitiation of consultation on the coordinated long-term operation of the Central Valley and State Water Project / |
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