Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:80-1127 Aeromagnetic map of the southwestern part of the Flathead National Forest, Montana 1
I 19.76:80-1128 Aeromagnetic map of the southern part of the Silver City 1° y 2° quadrangle, Arizona and New Mexico / 1
I 19.76:80-1129 Earthquake potential and ground motions for the Pillar Mountain landslide, Kodiak, Alaska 1
I 19.76:80-1130 X-ray spectrometric major-element analyses of tephra samples from the May 18, 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens samples collected from Washington, Idaho, and Montana / 1
I 19.76:80-1132 Preliminary digital classification map of limonitic rocks, Lamerdorf Peak NW 7 1/2' quadrangle, Utah 1
I 19.76:80-1133 Preliminary digital classification map of limonitic rocks, Sewing Machine Pass 7 1/2' quadrangle, Utah 1
I 19.76:80-1135 Preliminary digital classification map of limonitic rocks, Pine Grove Reservoir 7 1/2' quadrangle, Utah 1
I 19.76:80-1136 Preliminary digital classification map of limonitic rocks, the Tetons 7 1/2' quadrangle, Utah 1
I 19.76:80-1137 Semidiurnal bottom pressure and tidal currents on Georges Bank and in the Mid-Atlantic Bight 1
I 19.76:80-1138 Application of the production-grade method to the estimation of U.S. uranium resources 1
I 19.76:80-1140 Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites 1
I 19.76:80-1140/pt.- Geologic description of selected strong-motion accelerograph sites 1
I 19.76:80-1141 Water level monitoring along San Andreas and San Jacinto Faults, Southern California, during fiscal year 1979 1
I 19.76:80-1142 Holocene behavior of the San Andreas fault at Dogtown Point Reyes National Seashore, California 1
I 19.76:80-1143 A study of the behavior of cemented soils under seismic loading a six months progress report to United States Geological Survey, Office of Earthquake Studies / 1
I 19.76:80-1144 A new method of alluvial age dating based on progressive weathering, with application to the time-history of fault activity in southern California 1
I 19.76:80-1145 Damage prediction for an earthquake in southern California 1
I 19.76:80-1146 Earthquake hazard and prediction in northwest Mexico and California/Mexico border 1
I 19.76:80-1147 Computer-based earthquake mapping, San Francisco Bay area 1
I 19.76:80-1148 Electrical conductivity sounding experiments in seismically active areas [final technical report] / 1