Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:80-1194 Rapid and precise determination of ATP using a modified photometer 1
I 19.76:80-1195 Hydrologic monitoring program in Eldridge-Wilde and East Lake Road well-field areas, Pinellas and Hillsborough counties, Florida, 1978 / 1
I 19.76:80-1198 Microorganisms in stormwater a summary of recent investigations /
Microorganisms in stormwater : a summary of recent investigations /
I 19.76:80-1199 Potentiometric surface map of the Floridan aquifer in Alachua County, Florida, May 1980 1
I 19.76:80-1200 Geophysical, lithologic, and water-quality data from El Mirage Dry Lake, San Bernadino County, California 1
I 19.76:80-1204 Floods in Indiana, June-August 1979 1
I 19.76:80-1206 Data from a hydrologic reconnaissance of the Beluga, Peters Creek, and Healy coal areas, Alaska / 1
I 19.76:80-1207 Water-resources investigations, Collier County, Florida 1
I 19.76:80-1208 Surficial geology of New Haven quadrangle, Oswego County, New York /
Surficial geology of New Haven quadrangle, Oswego County, New York /
I 19.76:80-1209 Surficial geology of Oswego east quadrangle, Oswego County, New York /
Surficial geology of Oswego east quadrangle, Oswego County, New York /
I 19.76:80-1210 Measurements of discharge, gain or loss in flow, and chemical quality of the Poplar and Redwater Rivers, northeastern Montana, October 24-25, 1979 / 1
I 19.76:80-1211 Altitude of water table and saline-water front, Hialeah-Miami Springs well-field area, Biscayne aquifer, Dade County, Florida, May 12, 1980 1
I 19.76:80-1213 Discharge data at water-quality monitoring stations in Arkansas : 1979 water year / 1
I 19.76:80-1214 Techniques for estimating magnitude and frequency of floods for Wisconsin streams / 1
I 19.76:80-1216 Potential flood and debris hazards at Cottonwood Cove, Lake Mead National Recreation area, Clark County, Nevada / 1
I 19.76:80-1217 Ground-water quality downgradient from copper-ore milling wastes at Weed Heights, Lyon County, Nevada 1
I 19.76:80-1222 Map of the Antelope Valley-East Kern Water Agency area, California showing ground-water subunits and area, location of wells, and water-level contours for spring 1979 / 1
I 19.76:80-1223 Data on ground-water quality with emphasis on radionuclides, Sarasota County, Florida 1
I 19.76:80-1224 Mathematical model analysis of the Eagle Valley ground-water basin, west-central Nevada 1
I 19.76:80-1226 Overburden geochemistry of U.S. Bureau of Land Management experimental coal-mining reclamation site at Ojo Encino, northeast McKinley County, San Juan Basin, New Mexico 1