I 19.76:81-722
Map showing acoustic anomalies and near-surface faulting, Norton Sound, Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-723
Isopach map of Quaternary and Upper Tertiary strata, Norton Sound, Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-724
Newly identified intertonguing between the Star Point Sandstone and the Blackhawk Formation and the correlation of coal beds in the northern part of the Wasatch Plateau, Carbon County, Utah |
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I 19.76:81-725
Potential geologic hazards and constraints for blocks in proposed mid-Atlantic OCS oil and gas lease sale 59 |
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I 19.76:81-727
Lithologic and geophysical logs from three coal exploratory test holes drilled in 1977 and 1979 in the Maverick Spring quadrangle, Fremont County, Wyoming |
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I 19.76:81-728-B
Map showing locations of mines, prospects and selected metalliferous mineral occurrences in the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-C
Maps showing distribution and abundance of gold and silver in geochemical samples from Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-D
Maps showing distribution and abundance of copper in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-E
Maps showing distribution and abundance of lead in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-F
Maps showing distribution and abundance of zinc in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-H
Maps showing distribution and abundance of tin in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-I
Maps showing distribution and abundance of Beryllium in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-J
Maps showing distribution and abundance of niobium in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-K
Maps showing distribution and abundance of yttrium in geochemical samples from the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-728-L
Maps showing interpretation of Landsat imagery of the Bradfield Canal quadrangle, southeastern Alaska |
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I 19.76:81-729
Analytical results for 50 water samples from Milford basin, Utah |
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I 19.76:81-730
Analytical results of 78 water samples from Domeland Wilderness and adjacent further planning areas (RARE II), California |
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I 19.76:81-731
Analytical and statistical results for 486 water samples from the 1°x 2° Richfield quadrangle, Utah |
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I 19.76:81-732 A
Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Wiseman quadrangle, Alaska supplement to Open-file report 76-340 : Part A--summaries of data to January 1, 1981 / |
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I 19.76:81-732-A
Summaries of data on and lists of references to metallic and selected nonmetallic mineral occurrences in the Wiseman quadrangle, Alaska, supplement to Open-file report 76-340 |
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