Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:82-444 Water use in Wisconsin, 1979 1
I 19.76:82-446 Preliminary data for northern Great Plains test well 1, NW 1/4 NE 1/4 sec. 11. T.55N., R.77W., Sheridan County, Wyoming 1
I 19.76:82-447 A computer program for calculating relative-transmissivity input arrays to aid model calibration 1
I 19.76:82-448 Altitude and configuration of the water table in the High Plains aquifer of Kansas, 1970
Altitude and configuration of the water table in the High Plains aquifer in Kansas, 1970 /
I 19.76:82-449 Altitude and configuration of the water table in the High Plains aquifer of Kansas, 1965 /
Altitude and configuration of the water table in the High Plains aquifer of Kansas, 1965
I 19.76:82-450 Water-quality assessment of the Merced River, California 1
I 19.76:82-451 Analyses of rock, stream sediment, and heavy-mineral concentrate samples from the Valdez quadrangle, Alaska 1
I 19.76:82-452 Stratigraphic framework and distribution of lignite along the Wilcox Group belt, Mississippi 1
I 19.76:82-453 Geologic map of the Laughlin Peak area, Colfax County, New Mexico 1
I 19.76:82-454 Sketch maps, sections and laboratory analyses of peat resources in deposits in and near Piscataquis and Somerset Counties and northeastern Aroostook County, Maine 1
I 19.76:82-455 Section E-E', preliminary subsurface correlations of some Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks from Moxa Arch to Rock Springs Uplift, Green River basin, Wyoming 1
I 19.76:82-456 Section B-B', subsurface correlations of some Upper Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks, Great Divide Basin, Wyoming 1
I 19.76:82-457 Volcano-tectonic history of Crater Flat, southwestern Nevada, as suggested by new evidence from drill hole USW-VH-1 and vicinity 1
I 19.76:82-458 Determination of the in situ state of stress at the Spent fuel test-Climax site, Climax stock, Nevada test site 1
I 19.76:82-462 Geochemical and geostatistical evaluation, Arkansas Canyon Planning unit, Freemont [sic] and Custer Counties, Colorado 1
I 19.76:82-465 Remote-reference magnetotelluric survey Nevada test site and vicinity, Nevada and California / 1
I 19.76:82-466 Electrical studies at the proposed Wahmonie and Calico Hills nuclear waste sites, Nevada Test Site, Nye Co., Nevada / 1
I 19.76:82-468-A Geologic report for the O'OTEC site off Kahe Point, Oahu, Hawaii 1
I 19.76:82-468-B Evaluation of geotechnical properties and slope stability of a calcareous ooze on the south-west slope off Oahu, Hawaii 1
I 19.76:82-469 Strong-motion instrumentation of earth dams 1