Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:82-750 Landslides and related features of [Tennessee quadrangle[s] from Columbia 1⁰x 2⁰. 1
I 19.76:82-753 Water-quality reconnaissance of the north Dade County solid-waste disposal facility, Florida 1
I 19.76:82-755 Water resources of Rockland basin, southeastern Idaho 1
I 19.76:82-756 Columbia glacier photogrammetric altitude and velocity data set (1957-1981) /
Columbia glacier photogrammetric altitude and velocity : data set (1957-1981) /
I 19.76:82-758 A Plan for hydrologic investigations of in situ, oil-shale retorting near Rock Springs, Wyoming 1
I 19.76:82-760 Saturated thickness of the High Plains regional aquifer in 1980, northwestern Oklahoma / 1
I 19.76:82-760/sheet 1-2 Saturated thickness of the High Plains regional aquifer in 1980, northwestern Oklahoma / 1
I 19.76:82-761 Reconnaissance of stormwater-runoff water quality of the Big Piney Creek segment of the Cedar-Piney creeks watershed, Yell County, Arkansas 1
I 19.76:82-762 Preliminary delineation and description of the regional aquifers of Tennessee basal sandstone west of the Valley and Ridge Province / 1
I 19.76:82-763 Water-quality assessment of the American River, California 1
I 19.76:82-765 Mineralogy of fine grained alluvium from borehole U11G, expl. 1, northern Frenchman Flat area, Nevada Test Site 1
I 19.76:82-768 A generic guide to the larvae of the Neararctic Tanytarsini 1
I 19.76:82-769 Evaluation of water-quality characteristics of part of the Spokane aquifer, Washington and Idaho, using a solute-transport digital model 1
I 19.76:82-770 Spirit Lake dam-failure flood routing assessment 1
I 19.76:82-771 Filling of Spirit Lake, Washington, May 18, 1980 to July 31, 1982 1
I 19.76:82-772 Hydrologic data from monitoring of saline-water intrusion in the Cape Coral area, Lee County, Florida 1
I 19.76:82-774 Changes in flood response of the Red River of the North basin, North Dakota-Minnesota 1
I 19.76:82-776 Geochemical analyses of rock and stream-sediment samples from Bald Rock, Bucks Lake, Chips Creek, and Middle Fork Feather River Roadless Areas, Butte and Plumas Counties, California 1
I 19.76:82-777 Local multi-station digital recordings of aftershocks of the January 9th, 1982, New Brunswick earthquake 1
I 19.76:82-778 Preliminary geologic map of the Tetons quadrangle and adjacent part of the Observation Knoll quadrangle, Beaver and Iron Counties, Utah 1