I 19.76:83-70
Principle facts for gravity stations in part of the central Virginia Piedmont |
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I 19.76:83-71
A Summary of U.S. Geological Survey marine geologic studies on the inner shelf of the Chukchi sea, Alaska, 1975 and 1981 |
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I 19.76:83-72
Quaternary stratigraphic sections with radiocarbon dates, Survey Pass quadrangle, Alaska |
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I 19.76:83-73
Occurrences of lead minerals in Alaska |
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I 19.76:83-74
Analyses of the less than 0.180-mm fraction of drainage sediments, Richfield 1⁰x 2⁰quadrangle, Utah |
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I 19.76:83-75
Atlas of discovery rate profiles showing oil and gas discovery rates by geological province in the United States |
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I 19.76:83-76
Borehole gravity surveys theory, mechanics, and nature of measurements / |
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I 19.76:83-77
Chemical analyses and statistical summaries for samples of rock, minus-60-mesh (0.25-MM) stream sediment, and nonmagnetic heavy-mineral concentrate, Freel and Dardanelles roadless areas, Alpine and El Dorado Counties, California |
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I 19.76:83-78
Preliminary lithologic, geotechnical, and geophysical data from drill hole CW-81-2, Chuitna West coal field, Cook Inlet region, Alaska |
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I 19.76:83-79
Thermodynamic and thermophysical properties of selected phases in the MgO-SiO₂-H₂O-CO₂, CaO-Al₂O₃-SiO₂-H₂0-CO₂, and Fe-FeO-Fe₂O₃-SiO₂ |
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I 19.76:83-80
Landslides and related features, West Virginia and Ohio--Charleston 1⁰ by 2⁰ sheet |
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I 19.76:83-81
Stratigraphic cross sections within the Homer City, Pa., dedicated coal reserve area |
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I 19.76:83-82
Examples of the use of geologic and seismologic information for earthquake-hazard reduction in Southern California |
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I 19.76:83-83
I 19.76:83-84
Analytical results for 328 water samples from the Silver City 1⁰x 2⁰quadrangle, Arizona and New Mexico |
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I 19.76:83-85
A practical, low-noise coil system for magnetotellurics |
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I 19.76:83-86
An earthquake catalog for the Basin and Range province, 1803-1977 |
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I 19.76:83-87
Aeromagnetic survey of parts of Shannon, Carter, Oregon, and Ripley counties, southeastern Missouri |
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I 19.76:83-88
Analytical data, geographic coordinates, and sample locality map of geochemical samples from the Mount Henry roadless area, Lincoln County, Montana |
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I 19.76:83-89
Geologic and grade-tonnage information on volcanic-hosted copper-zinc-lead massive sulfide deposits |
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