I 19.76:84-769
Selected references on the geology of the Yampa coal field and Sand Wash Basin, Moffat, Routt, and Rio Blanco Counties, Colorado |
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I 19.76:84-771
Geochemical data for Jurassic diabase and basalt of the northern Culpeper Basin, Virginia |
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I 19.76:84-772
Primer on improving the state-of-earthquake hazards mitigation and preparedness |
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I 19.76:84-773
Summary geologic report for the North Aleutian shelf (OCS) planning area, Bering Sea, Alaska |
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I 19.76:84-774
Emission spectrographic and atomic absorption analyses of rock, mineral occurrence, prospect, and deposit samples from the Mount Hayes quadrangle, eastern Alaska Range, Alaska |
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I 19.76:84-775
Ground-based upward extrapolated gravity data for use in testing the Aerial Profiling of Terrain System (APTS) |
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I 19.76:84-776
Preliminary geologic map of the Mount Baird quadrangle, Bonneville County, Idaho, and Teton and Lincoln counties, Wyoming |
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I 19.76:84-777
Handtc a FORTRAN program to calculate inner-zone terrain corrections / |
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I 19.76:84-778
Remeasurement of a precision gravity network for monitoring the Lassen geothermal system, northern California |
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I 19.76:84-779
Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Indian Pass (CDCA-355) and Picacho Peak (CDCA-355A) wilderness study areas, Imperial County, California |
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I 19.76:84-780
Preliminary report on the petrography of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation from four surface sections, southwestern San Juan Basin, Mckinley County, New Mexico |
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I 19.76:84-782
Reconnaissance geochemical assessment of metallic mineral resource potential, South Egan Range Wilderness Study Area (NV 040-168), White Pine, Lincoln, and Nye Counties, Nevada |
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I 19.76:84-783
A Hydrogeochemical survey of the Deer Trail Mountain-Alunite Ridge area, southwestern Utah |
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I 19.76:84-784
Geology of the Boiling Springs and Garden Valley 15-minute quadrangles, Boise and Valley Counties, Idaho |
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I 19.76:84-785
Analytical results from a geochemical survey of St. Thomas and St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands, using soil, rock, and panned concentrate samples |
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I 19.76:84-786
Aeromagnetic map of the northern and central Sierra Nevada foothills and adjacent Sacramento Valley, California |
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I 19.76:84-787
Guide to preparation of mineral survey reports on public lands |
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I 19.76:84-788
Preliminary report on late Cenozoic faulting and stratigraphy in the vicinity of Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada |
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I 19.76:84-789
Stratigraphic and structural characteristics of volcanic rocks in core hole USW G-4, Yucca Mountain, Nye County, Nevada |
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I 19.76:84-791
East-west geologic cross section along the DeBarr Line, Anchorage, Alaska |
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