Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:85-340 Geophysical well log data for study of water flow in fractures in bedrock near Mirror Lake, West Thornton, New Hampshire 1
I 19.76:85-341 Arsenic, nitrate, iron, and hardness in ground water, Goldstream Road, Yankovich Road, and Murphy Dome Road areas (T.1N.,R.2W.,FM), Fairbanks, Alaska 1
I 19.76:85-343 Proposed artificial recharge studies in northern Qatar
Proposed artificial recharge studies in northern Qatar /
I 19.76:85-345 Ground-water flow in the Central Valley, California 1
I 19.76:85-347 Selected test-well data from the MX-missile siting study, Tooele, Juab, Millard, Beaver, and Iron counties, Utah 1
I 19.76:85-348 Drainage areas in the Big Sioux River basin in eastern South Dakota 1
I 19.76:85-349 Data uses and funding of the streamflow-gaging program in North Dakota 1
I 19.76:85-350 Stream discharge in Michigan miscellaneous measurements / 1
I 19.76:85-351 Geotechnical characterization and mass-movement potential of the United States North Atlantic continental slope and rise 1
I 19.76:85-352 Preliminary slope stability map showing relative susceptibility to landsliding in the Marietta area, Washington County, southeastern Ohio 1
I 19.76:85-354 Preliminary studies of gold deposits and a reconnaissance rock chip sampling program, Al Khaymah region, Aban al Ahmar quadrangle, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with a section on geologic setting of the Al Khaymah region by James C. Cole 1
I 19.76:85-355 Engineering geology of surficial materials in the Huntington 30ʹ x 60ʹ quadrangle, Emery, Carbon, Grand, and Uintah Counties, Utah 1
I 19.76:85-356 Engineering geology of surficial materials in the Price 30ʹ x 60ʹ quadrangle, Carbon, Duchesne, Wasatch, and Utah Counties, Utah 1
I 19.76:85-357 The Hijinah uplift and regional gravity sliding in the Wajid sandstone, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1
I 19.76:85-358 Analysis of hummocky subbottom relief from observations north of Tigvariak Island, Beaufort Sea, Alaska 1
I 19.76:85-359 Data processing programs for aerial gamma-ray data 1
I 19.76:85-360 Processes and depositional environments of Neogene deltaic-lacustrine sediments, Pannonian basin, southeast Hungary core investigation summary / 1
I 19.76:85-361 Geologic map of the Mountain Home Pass quadrangle, Utah ; Geologic map of the Miller Wash quadrangle, Utah--Nevada 1
I 19.76:85-362  
I 19.76:85-363 Bibliography of reports by U.S. Geological Survey personnel on studies of underground nuclear test sites and on waste management studies at the Nevada Test Site and the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant site, New Mexico, January 1, 1983, to December 31, 1984 1