Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:85-615 Auxiliary programs for support of seismic hazard analysis 1
I 19.76:85-616 Geology of the Tarim Basin with special emphasis on petroleum deposits, Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu, Northwest China 1
I 19.76:85-617 Reconnaissance geology of the Al Baʹayith quadrangle, sheet 26/41 D, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1
I 19.76:85-618 Reconnaissance geology of the Haʹil quadrangle, sheet 27/41B, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1
I 19.76:85-619 Reconnaissance geology of the As Sulaymi quadrangle, sheet 26/41C, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1
I 19.76:85-620 Topographic maps of Yucca Mountain area, Nye County, Nevada 1
I 19.76:85-621 Summary of results of the Coal Resource Occurrence and Coal Development Potential mapping program in part of the Powder River Basin, Montana and Wyoming 1
I 19.76:85-622 Teleseismic P-wave traveltime residuals across the Cascade Range in southern Oregon 1
I 19.76:85-623 Annotated bibliography of selected references on the geology of the Baird Mountains quadrangle, northwestern Alaska 1
I 19.76:85-625 Aeromagnetic map of the Monte Cristo Range, Nevada 1
I 19.76:85-626 Hydrology and ecology of the Apalachicola River, Florida a summary of the river quality assessment / 1
I 19.76:85-628 Ground-water data through 1980 for the Hanna and Carbon basins, south-central Wyoming 1
I 19.76:85-629 Sources of climatologic, hydrologic, and hydraulic information in the Illinois River Basin, Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin 1
I 19.76:85-631 Channel geometry and hydrologic data for six eruption-affected tributaries of the Lewis River, Mount St. Helens, Washington, water years 1983-84 1
I 19.76:85-632 Sediment data for streams near Mount St. Helens, Washington 1
I 19.76:85-633 WRD Colleague review workshop guide 1
I 19.76:85-634 WRD project and report management guide 1
I 19.76:85-635 Water Resources Division publications guide 1
I 19.76:85-636 Aqueous radioactive- and industrial- waste disposal at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory through 1982 1
I 19.76:85-637 Altitude of water table, surficial aquifer, Palm Beach County, Florida, November 9-14, 1984 1