I 19.76:87-423
Aeromagnetic map of part of the San Juan Mountains, southwestern Colorado |
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I 19.76:87-424
Selected geochemical data and geochemical plots from U.S. Department of Energy-National Uranium Resources Evaluation on sediment samples from the Table Mountain 1⁰x 3⁰quadrangle, Brooks Range, Alaska |
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I 19.76:87-425
Preliminary geologic map of the McCann 15ʹ-quadrangle, Nye County, Nevada |
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I 19.76:87-426
Analytical results and sample locality map for heavy-mineral-concentrate and stream-sediment samples from the Desatoya Mountains Wilderness Study Area, Churchill and Lander Counties, Nevada |
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I 19.76:87-427
In-situ stress project, technical report number 4 summary of the geologic setting and televiewer logs from the Yongping test well, Yunnan Province, China / |
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I 19.76:87-428
Physical and chemical properties and health effects of thirty-three toxic organic chemicals |
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I 19.76:87-429
Foreshock seismic-energy-release functions tools for estimating time and magnitude of main shocks / |
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I 19.76:87-430
Field guide and road log Pennsylvanian and Permian depositional systems and cycles in the Eagle Basin, northwestern Colorado / |
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I 19.76:87-431
Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Rough Hills Wilderness Study Area, Elko County, Nevada (NV-010-151) |
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I 19.76:87-432
Analysis of fractures from borehole televiewer logs in a 500 m-deep hole at Xiaguan, Yunnan Province, southwest China |
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I 19.76:87-438
Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey Geothermal Research Program, 1972-1981 |
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I 19.76:87-439
Publications of the U.S. Geological Survey Geothermal Research Program, 1982-1986 |
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I 19.76:87-441
Principal facts for new and reprocessed gravity data in and around the Westwater Canyon and Black Ridge Canyons areas, Utah and Colorado |
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I 19.76:87-443
Estimates of the ultimate number of oil and gas fields expected to be found in the Minnelusa Play of the Power River Basin Wyoming |
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I 19.76:87-444
Preliminary assessment of paleoseismicity at White Sands Missile Range, southern New Mexico evidence for recency of faulting, fault segmentation, and repeat intervals for major earthquakes in the region / |
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I 19.76:87-446
Data on the geochemistry of Carlin-type disseminated gold deposits and associated rocks, northcentral Nevada |
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I 19.76:87-447
Mineralogical characterization of the Shelburne Marble a Vermont marble test stone used to study the effects of acid rain / |
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I 19.76:87-448
A stratigraphic coding system for data entry into the National Coal Resources Data System |
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I 19.76:87-449
Meteorological variables and concentrations of helium, carbon dioxide, and oxygen in soil gases collected regularly at a single site for more than a year |
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I 19.76:87-450-A
Plays for oil and gas in the Raton basin, south-central Colorado and northwestern New Mexico |
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