Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:87-579 GLORIA study of the exclusive economic zone off Alaska -- southern Bering Sea (Bowers Basin), initial report for cruise Fl-87-BS 28 June to 27 July 1987 / 1
I 19.76:87-586 Mineral resources of the Chemehuevi/Needles wilderness study area, San Bernardino County, California 1
I 19.76:87-587 Chemical analyses of waters from Crater Lake, Oregon and nearby springs 1
I 19.76:87-588 Coda duration magnitudes in central California an empirical approach / 1
I 19.76:87-589 Partition coefficients determined from phenocryst and glass analyses of the climactic ejecta of Mount Mazama, Oregon 1
I 19.76:87-591 Proceedings of workshop XXXVII physical and observational basis for intermediate-term earthquake prediction : convened under auspices of National Earthquake Prediction and Hazards Programs, 13-17 November 1986 / 1
I 19.76:87-592 Compilation of geothermal-gradient data in the conterminous United States 1
I 19.76:87-594 Preliminary bedrock geologic map of the International Falls 1⁰ x 2⁰quadrangle, Minnesota, U.S.A., and Ontario, Canada 1
I 19.76:87-595 Interpretation of the regional geochemistry of the Tonopah 1⁰ x 2⁰quadrangle, Nevada, based on analytical results from stream-sediment and nonmagnetic heavy-mineral-concentrate samples 1
I 19.76:87-596 GLORIA study of the exclusive economic zone off Alaska -- southern Bering Sea
Earthquake location data for the southern Great Basin of Nevada and California 1984 through 1986 /
I 19.76:87-597 Geology of NRDC seismic station sites in eastern Kazakhstan, USSR 1
I 19.76:87-601 ISOPLOT version 2 a plotting and regression program for isotope geochemists, for use with HP series 200/300 computers / 1
I 19.76:87-602 Program, abstracts, and field trip roadlog for International Gold Conference, San José, Costa Rica, October 20-22, 1987 1
I 19.76:87-604 The U.S. Geological Survey instrument for simultaneous multi-element atomic absorption spectrometry description of the hardware and of the system control and data acquisition software / 1
I 19.76:87-605 A microcomputer program utilizing a stratigraphic coding system for data entry into the National Coal Resources Data System 1
I 19.76:87-606 The Cretaceous-Tertiary (K-T) boundary interval, Raton Basin, Colorado and New Mexico, and its content of shock-metamorphosed minerals implications concerning the K-T boundary impact-extinction theory / 1
I 19.76:87-608 Abstracts of the U.S. Geological Survey, Central Region, 1987 Poster Review collected abstracts of selected poster papers presented at scientific meetings / 1
I 19.76:87-609 Mineral resource assessment of the Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona 1
I 19.76:87-610 Thermal measurements in Oak Springs Formation at the Nevada Test Site, southern Nevada 1
I 19.76:87-611 Catalog of earthquakes in the Yellowstone Park--Hebgen Lake Region, Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, for the years 1973 to 1981 1