Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:88-364 A guide to commonly used map projections prepared for use in Hyper Card 1
I 19.76:88-365 Analytical results for 32 water samples from a hydrogeochemical survey of the Geneva Creek area, central Colorado 1
I 19.76:88-366 Bibliography of reports by U.S. Geological Survey personnel on studies at the Nevada Test Site, released between January 1 and December 31, 1986 1
I 19.76:88-367 Analytical results and sample locality maps of heavy-mineral-concentrate and rock samples from the South McCullough Wilderness Study Area (NV-050-435), Clark County, Nevada 1
I 19.76:88-368 Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Cockscomb and Wahweap Wilderness Study Areas, Kane County, Utah 1
I 19.76:88-369 Grain-size and mineralogy of eolian and fluvial sediments in the central Kobuk Valley, northwestern Alaska 1
I 19.76:88-370 Sections of Sadlerochit Group and Siksikpuk(?) Formation from Arctic and Table Mountain quadrangles, Alaska 1
I 19.76:88-371 Results from camera tows along the southern Juan de Fuca Ridge A2-84-WF / 1
I 19.76:88-372 Geologic map of the Prescott 30- x 60- minute quadrangle, Arizona 1
I 19.76:88-373 National assessment of undiscovered conventional oil and gas resources 1
I 19.76:88-374 Chemical traits and trends of the granitic rocks of the southern Sierra Nevada, California 1
I 19.76:88-375 Engineering-geologic maps of northern Alaska, Ikpikpuk River quadrangle 1
I 19.76:88-377 Measurements of slope distances and zenith angles at Newberry and South Sister volcanoes, Oregon, 1985-1986 1
I 19.76:88-378 Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment and heavy-mineral-concentrate samples from the Clan Alpine Mountains Wilderness Study Area (NV-030-102), Churchill County, Nevada 1
I 19.76:88-379 Undiscovered petroleum resources of Indonesia 1
I 19.76:88-380 Velocity logging and seismic velocity of rocks in the Rainier Mesa Area, Nevada Test Site, Nevada 1
I 19.76:88-381 Surficial geologic map of the Anchorage B-7 SE quadrangle, Alaska 1
I 19.76:88-382 Constitution and genesis of the central part of the Sierra Nevada batholith, California 1
I 19.76:88-383 Petroleum geology of the onshore part of Hope and Kotzebue Basins, Alaska a report for the Federal Lands Assessment Program (FLAP) / 1
I 19.76:88-385 Petroleum geology of rocks exposed on Kodiak Island, Alaska a report for the Federal Lands Assessment Program (FLAP) / 1