I 19.76:88-437
Analytical data and sample locality map for aqua-regia leachates of stream sediments analyzed by ICP from the Port Moller, Stepovak Bay, and Simeonof Island quadrangles, Alaska |
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I 19.76:88-439
Structure and stratigraphy of the western Florida shelf. |
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I 19.76:88-440
Hardware interface between controlling computer and Bell & Howell 3700B tape drive used in FM playback system |
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I 19.76:88-441
Thermal properties of rocks |
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I 19.76:88-442
Mineral resources of the Fish Creek Rim Wilderness Study Area, Lake County, Oregon |
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I 19.76:88-443
Analytical results, geochemical signatures, mineralogical data, and sample locality map of placer gold and heavy-mineral concentrates from the Manley Hot Springs, Tofty, Eureka, and Rampart mining districts, Tanana and Livengood quadrangles, Alaska |
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I 19.76:88-445
Recovery of three types of gold in unconsolidated Pleistocene and Holocene alluvium of the Snake River drainage, southeastern Idaho |
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I 19.76:88-448
Seismic station data for Northern California and surrounding areas |
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I 19.76:88-449
A preliminary statistical analysis of some chemical and mineralogic data from lacustrine beds in the Oligocene White River Group in Dawes County, Nebraska |
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I 19.76:88-450-A
Geology and hydrocarbon assessment of the Blue Ridge, Province no. 132 |
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I 19.76:88-450-B
The rationale for assessment of undiscovered, economically-recoverable oil and gas in south-central New Mexico a geologic overview and play analysis of two favorable areas / |
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I 19.76:88-450-F
Geologic framework and hydrocarbon plays in the southwestern Wyoming basins province |
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I 19.76:88-450-G
Petroleum geology and principal exploration plays in the Uinta-Piceance-Eagle basins province, Utah and Colorado |
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I 19.76:88-450 I
Petroleum potential of southeastern Alaska a report for the National Hydrocarbon Assessment Program / |
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I 19.76:88-450 J
Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon plays of the Gulf of Alaska onshore province a report for the National Hydrocarbon Assessment Program / |
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I 19.76:88-450-L
Summary of geology and petroleum plays used to assess undiscovered recoverable petroleum resources of Los Angeles Basin Province, California |
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I 19.76:88-450-P
Petroleum geology of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming and Montana |
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I 19.76:88-450-S
Principal oil and gas plays in the Appalachian Basin (Province 131) |
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I 19.76:88-450-W
Petroleum geology of the Anadarko Basin region, Province (115), Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas |
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I 19.76:88-450-Z
Petroleum geology and hydrocarbon plays of the Permian Basin petroleum province West Texas and southeast New Mexico |
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