I 19.76:89-347
Geometry of recently active breaks along the San Andreas Fault, California |
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I 19.76:89-348
Geologic map of the central and northern Funeral Mountains and adjacent areas, Death Valley Region, Southern California |
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I 19.76:89-349
Borehole dilatometer installation, operation, and maintenance at sites along the San Andreas Fault, California |
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I 19.76:89-350
Reconnaissance geology and exploration geochemistry of King Cove, Alaska Peninsula |
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I 19.76:89-352
Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock samples from the Abert Rim (OR-1-101) Wilderness Study Area, Lake County, Oregon |
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I 19.76:89-353
Thermal maturity and organic geochemistry of the Kandik Basin region, east-central Alaska |
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I 19.76:89-355
Gold, silver, tellurium, and spectrographic analyses for rock and soil samples from the U.S. Virgin Islands |
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I 19.76:89-356
Ampere-hour monitor for the electrochemical exploration technique |
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I 19.76:89-357
Reprocessing of the COCORP data recorded across the Wichita Mountain uplift and the Anadarko basin in southern Oklahoma |
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I 19.76:89-359
Preliminary description of quaternary and late pliocene surficial deposits at Yucca Mountain and vicinity, Nye County, Nevada |
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I 19.76:89-360
Analytical results and sample locality map of stream-sediment, heavy-mineral-concentrate, and rock sample from the Fish Creek Rim (OR-1-117) and Guano Creek (OR-1-132) wilderness study areas, Lake County, Oregon |
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I 19.76:89-361
Preliminary geologic and rock-chip geochemical data from drill core and trenches at the Shumagin gold deposit, Unga Island, Alaska |
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I 19.76:89-362
An assessment of coal resources available for development central Appalachian region, first year summary / |
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I 19.76:89-363
Pre-field study and mineral resources assessment of the Sleetmute quadrangle, southwestern Alaska |
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I 19.76:89-366
Analytical results for uranium and thorium in 1462 stream-sediment samples, Richfield 1⁰ x 2⁰ quadrangle, Utah |
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I 19.76:89-367
BING a BASIC computer program for modeling unsteady flow of Bingham viscoplastic material / |
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I 19.76:89-369
Basic data and preliminary density and porosity profiles from three borehole gravity surveys made in the Kuparuk River and Prudhoe Bay oil fields, Alaska |
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I 19.76:89-370
Physical properties and laboratory data for soils formed in Pleistocene tills at Bull Lake, Dinwoody Lakes, and Fremont Lake, Fremont and Sublette Counties, Wyoming |
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I 19.76:89-371
Data on the geochemistry of pelagic clay of the subarctic North Pacific Ocean |
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I 19.76:89-372
U.S. Geological Survey studies of Louisiana barrier island erosion and wetland loss an interim report of status and results / |
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