Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:92-221 Late Paleocene-early Eocene ostracode assemblages from core UAJ- 1, Meting-Jhimpir coal field, Sindh Province, Pakistan 1
I 19.76:92-239 Lacustrine manganese a supplement to U.S. Geological Survey bulletin 1693 / 1
I 19.76:92-240 Digital shoreline mapping system (DSMS) user's guide 1
I 19.76:92-241 Geologic map of the Rustler Park quadrangle, southeast Arizona 1
I 19.76:92-242 Geologic map of the Fife Peak quadrangle, Cochise County, Arizona 1
I 19.76:92-243 Processing of Lake Baikal marine multichannel seismic reflection data 1
I 19.76:92-244 Puerto Rico industrial mineral mines, prospects, and occurrences in the Mineral Resources Data System (MRDS) / 1
I 19.76:92-245 Wide-angle seismic recordings obtained during seismic reflection profiling by the S.P. Lee offshore the Loma Prieta epicenter 1
I 19.76:92-246 Chemical analyses of granitic rocks in the Reno 1⁰ by 2⁰ quadrangle and in the northern Pine Nut Mountains, west-central Nevada 1
I 19.76:92-247 Descriptions and elevations for leveling bench marks and leveling results along traverses near Old Station and Mineral, California 1
I 19.76:92-248 Grade and tonnage data for Climax Mo and Creede epithermal vein deposit models 1
I 19.76:92-249 Proceedings of the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council June 11-12, 1991 Alta, Utah / 1
I 19.76: 92-249 Proceedings of the National Earthquake Prediction Evaluation Council 1
I 19.76:92-250 Depositional environments and facies in continuous core from the Szombathely-II well (0-2150m), Kisalföld Basin, western Hungary 1
I 19.76:92-251 Aeromagnetic map of Morton and vicinity, Washington / 1
I 19.76:92-252 Surface features and kinematics of the Slumgullion landslide, near Lake City, Colorado 1
I 19.76:92-253 Seasonal variations in environmental conditions of fresh-water ostracode habitats, San Francisco Peninsula, California 1
I 19.76:92-254 Pliocene benthic foraminifer census data from Deep Sea Drilling Project Hole 606 1
I 19.76:92-255 A preliminary Mid-Cretaceous to Late Pleistocene seismic stratigraphy for the deep eastern Gulf of Mexico adjacent the Florida Escarpment 1
I 19.76:92-256 An index of continuous-tone photographic prints of the digital shaded-relief map of the United States--whole or in six sections 1