Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:94-250 Descriptive and grade-tonnage models of Archean low-sulfide Au-quartz veins and a revised grade-tonnage model of Homestake Au 1
I 19.76:94-251 Examples of constrained iterative restoration of SPOT panchromatic images, with prefiltering for noise reduction 1
I 19.76:94-252 Combining edge-gradient information to improve adaptive discontinuity-preserving smoothing of multispectral images 1
I 19.76:94-253 Aeroradiometric maps of parts of the South Boston and Emporia 30ʹ x 60ʹ quadrangles, Virginia and North Carolina 1
I 19.76:94-254 Deconvolution of continuous borehole temperature logs example from the Greenland GISP2 icecore hole / 1
I 19.76:94-255/CD Southern Lake Michigan Coastal Erosion Study graphical display and digital data / 1
I 19.76:94-258 Cruise report R/V Alpha Helix Cruise-173 to western Prince William Sound, Yakutat Bay, and Glacier Bay National Park, northeastern Gulf of Alaska, August 17 - September 3, 1993 / 1
I 19.76:94-0260 A Overview of the Creede caldera Continental Scientific Drilling Program 1
I 19.76:94-0260 B Phenocryst compositions of late ash-flow tuffs from the central San Juan caldera cluster results from Creede drill-hole samples and implications for regional stratigraphy / 1
I 19.76:94-0260 C Duration of sedimentation of the Creede Formation 1
I 19.76:94-0260 D Structural resurgence and intracaldera volcanism - Creede caldera, Colorado 1
I 19.76:94-0260 E Depositional environments and authigenic mineral distributions in the Oligocene Creede Formation, Colorado, USA 1
I 19.76:94-0260 F Silicate diagenesis of tuffs in the Creede Formation 1
I 19.76:94-0260 G Stable isotope geochemistry of the Creede Formation and implications for the origin of fluids responsible for hydrothermal vein minerals in the Creede mining district 1
I 19.76:94-0260 H SHRIMP ion microprobe sulfur isotopic study of pyrite in corehole CCM-2 evidence for multiple episodes of extreme biogenic sulfate reduction / 1
I 19.76:94-0260 I Sulfur, carbon and oxygen systematics during diagenesis and fluid infiltration in the Creede caldera, Colorado 1
I 19.76:94-0260 J Organic geochemical studies to understand ore genesis at Creede 1
I 19.76:94-0260 K Carbon-sulfur plots and degree of pyritization determinations to show diagenetic and epigenetic sulfidation in Creede caldera cores 1
I 19.76:94-0260 L Preliminary results on the organic geochemistry of the Oligocene Creede Formation, Colorado 1
I 19.76:94-0260 M Rock magnetic studies of the Oligocene Creede Formation and prospects for a polarity stratigraphy 1