Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.76:95-183 Water-level altitudes 1995 and water-level changes 1990-95 and 1994-95, in the Chicot and Evangeline aquifers, Fort Bend County and adjacent areas, Texas 1
I 19.76:95-184 Water-quality data for the Ohio River from Willow Island Dam to Belleville Dam, West Virginia and Ohio, June-November 1992 1
I 19.76:95-185 Bibliography of U.S. Geological Survey reports on the water resources of Florida, 1886-1995 1
I 19.76:95-186 Changes in bathymetry for Lake Katherine and Wood Lake, Richland County, South Carolina, 1989-93 1
I 19.76:95-188 Map showing location of observation wells in Massachusetts and Rhode Island 1
I 19.76:95-189 Methods of analysis by the U.S. Geological Survey National Water Quality Laboratory : determination of methylene blue active substances by spectrophotometry / 1
I 19.76:95-193 Geographic Information System data sets of hydrogeologic conditions in Pequea and Mill Creek watersheds, Pennsylvania 1
I 19.76:95-195 Concentrations of mercury and other trace elements in walleye, smallmouth bass, and rainbow trout in Franklin D. Roosevelt Lake and the upper Columbia River, Washington, 1994 1
I 19.76:95-196 Surface-water-temperature statistics for streams in New Jersey and vicinity, 1955-93 1
I 19.76:95-202  
I 19.76:95-205 Maps showing quaternary geology and liquefaction susceptibility in the Napa, California, 1:100,000 sheet 1
I 19.76:95-206  
I 19.76:95-207  
I 19.76:95-208  
I 19.76:95-209 Core descriptions and preliminary geochemical data for the Amoco Production Company, Rebecca K. Bounds #1 well, Greeley County, Kansas 1
I 19.76:95-211 Preliminary merged aeromagnetic map of southwest Washington [State] 1
I 19.76:95-0212 Preliminary merged aeromagnetic map of northwest Washington [State] 1
I 19.76:95-214 LCGISN GeoSpatial Search Program user manual, 1995 / 1
I 19.76:95-215 Geologic map of the Craig, Dixon Entrance, and parts of the Ketchikan and Prince Rupert quadrangles, southeastern Alaska 1
I 19.76:95-216 Centimeter-level orthometric heights at reference points along Florida's Big Bend coastline from Global Positioning System (GPS) static surveys 1