I 19.76:97-575
1997 floods in the Red River of the North and Missouri River basins in North Dakota and western Minnesota |
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I 19.76:97-578
Water-resources activities of the U.S. Geological Survey in Utah, October 1, 1995, to September 30, 1996 |
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I 19.76:97-582
Rainfall in and near Du Page County, Illinois, October 1991-September 1995 |
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I 19.76:97-583
Water-quality assessment of the Lower Susquehanna River Basin, Pennsylvania and Maryland design and implementation of water-quality studies, 1992-95 / |
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I 19.76:97-586
Field verification study of water quality, bottom sediment, and biota associated with irrigation drainage in and near Humboldt Wildlife Management Area, Churchill and Pershing counties, Nevada, 1996 |
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I 19.76:97-587
Water resources of Monroe County, New York, water years 1989-93, with emphasis on water quality in the Irondequoit Creek basin |
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I 19.76:97-589
Methods for comparing water-quality conditions among National Water-Quality Assessment Study units, 1992-1995 |
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I 19.76:97-596
Drilling, logging, and testing information from borehole UE-25 UZ#16, Yucca Mountain, Nevada |
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I 19.76:97-597
Ground-water and surface-water elevations in the Fairbanks International Airport area, Alaska, 1990-96, and selected geohydrologic report references |
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I 19.76:97-598
Studies of the San Francisco Bay, California, estuarine ecosystem regional monitoring program results, 1996 / |
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I 19.76:97-599
Estimated water use, by county, in North Carolina, 1995 |
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I 19.76:97-625
Water-quality data for 90 community water supply wells in New Jersey, 1994-95 |
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I 19.76:97-630
Documentation of R-UNSAT, a computer model for the simulation of reactive, multispecies transport in the unsaturated zone |
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I 19.76:97-631
Evaluation of geophysical logs, Phase I, at Willow Grove Naval Air Station, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania |
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I 19.76:97-637
Descriptions of the program changes (1989-97) and a user manual for a transit-loss accounting program applied to Fountain Creek between Colorado Springs and the Arkansas River, Colorado |
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I 19.76:97-638
Identification of potential water-resources-monitoring sites in the Croton Reservoir System, southeastern New York |
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I 19.76:97-640
Activities of the United States Geological Survey in Pennsylvania |
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I 19.76:97-641
Results of soil, ground-water, surface-water, and streambed-sediment sampling at Air Force Plant 85, Columbus, Ohio, 1996 |
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I 19.76:97-642
Potentiometric surfaces of the intermediate aquifer system, west-central Florida, May 1997 / |
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I 19.76:97-643
Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan aquifer, west-central Florida, May 1997 / |
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