Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 19.91/3:3182 Potentiometric surface of the Upper Floridan aquifer in Florida and parts of Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama, May-June 2010 1
I 19.91/3:3183 Potentiometric surface of the upper Floridan Aquifer, west-central Florida, May 2011 / 1
I 19.91/3:3184 Bedrock geologic map of Vermont /
Bedrock geologic map of Vermont
I 19.91/3:3185 Flood-inundation maps for a 1.6 mile reach of Salt Creek, Wood Dale, Illinois / 1
I 19.91/3:3186/2013 Geologic map of the Three Sisters volcanic cluster, Cascade Range, Oregon / 1
I 19.91/3:3187 Lidar-revised geologic map of the Wildcat Lake 7.5' quadrangle, Kitsap and Mason Counties, Washington 1
I 19.91/3:3188 Aeromagnetic and aeromagnetic-based geologic maps of the coastal belt, Franciscan Complex. northern California 1
I 19.91/3:3189 Flood-inundation maps for Peachtree Creek from the Norfolk Southern Railway bridge to the Moores Mill Road NW bridge, Atlanta, Georgia 1
I 19.91/3:3190 Description and validation of an automated methodology for mapping mineralogy, vegetation, and hydrothermal alteration type from ASTER satellite imagery with examples from the San Juan Mountains, Colorado 1
I 19.91/3:3191 Geologic map of the Fish Creek Reservoir 7.5ʹ quadrangle, Blaine County, Idaho 1
I 19.91/3:3192 Status of ground-water levels and storage volume in the Equus Beds aquifer near Wichita, Kansas, January 2011 1
I 19.91/3:3193 Regional potentiometric-surface map of the Great Basin carbonate and alluvial aquifer system in Snake Valley and surrounding areas, Juab, Millard, and Beaver Counties, Utah, and White Pine and Lincoln Counties, Nevada 1
I 19.91/3:3194 Geologic map of the Cochiti Dam quadrangle, Sandoval County, New Mexico 1
I 19.91/3:3195 Seismic-hazard maps for the conterminous United States, 2008 1
I 19.91/3:3196 Flood-inundation maps for the Suncook River in Epsom, Pembroke, Allenstown, and Chichester, New Hampshire 1
I 19.91/3:3197 Geologic map of the MTM 85200 quadrangle, Olympia Rupēs region of Mars
Geologic map of the MTM 85200 quadrangle, Olympia Rupēs region of Mars /
I 19.91/3:3198 Methods for noninvasive bathymetric and velocity surveys for impoundment safety a case study of Herrington Lake at Dix Dam near Burgin, Kentucky / 1
I 19.91/3:3200 Bedrock geologic map of the Nashua south quadrangle, Hillsborough County, New Hampshire and Middlesex County, Massachusetts / 1
I 19.91/3:3202 Bathymetry of Groundhog Reservoir, Dolores County, Colorado, 2011 1
I 19.91/3:3203 Bathymetry of Totten Reservoir, Montezuma County, Colorado, 2011 1