I 28.23:4998
Estimate of known recoverable reserves of coking coal in Somerset County, Pa. / |
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I 28.23:4999
Metallurgical investigations of Southeastern Missouri cobalt-nickel resources / |
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I 28.23:5000
National motor-gasoline survey : winter 1952-53 / |
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I 28.23:5001
Morefield Pegmatite Mine, Amelia County, Va. / |
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I 28.23:5001-5025
Morefield Pegmatite Mine, Amelia County, Va. / |
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I 28.23:5002
Sensitivity of explosives to initiation by electrostatic discharges / |
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I 28.23:5003
Estimate of known recoverable reserves of coking coal in Allegheny County, Pa. / |
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I 28.23:5004
A study to determine potential dust exposure in connection with intermittent rock drilling in coal mines / |
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I 28.23:5005
Mineral-dressing study of manganese ore, Cason Mine, Batesville, Ark. / |
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I 28.23:5006
Report of research and technologic work on explosives, explosions, and flames fiscal years 1951 and 1952 / |
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I 28.23:5007
Centrifugal separation of liquid and solid phases from some binary alloys / |
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I 28.23:5008
National annual diesel-fuel survey : 1953 / |
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I 28.23:5009
Distillation assays of Missouri River Basin coals / |
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I 28.23:5010
Preparation characteristics of anthracites in South Korea / |
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I 28.23:5011
Carbonizing procedures with new, experimental coke oven / |
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I 28.23:5012
Diamond drilling on the Shanton magnetite-ilmenite deposits, Albany County, Wyo. / |
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I 28.23:5013
Recovery of anthracite in a steeply pitching bed by induced caving : anthracite mechanical-mining investigations : progress report 5 / |
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I 28.23:5014
Lead-zinc deposits of the Dunkleberg district, Granite County, Mont. / |
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I 28.23:5015
Diamond orientation in diamond bits. effects of orienting high-grade drill bort in diamond-coring bit crowns / |
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I 28.23:5016
Estimate of known recoverable reserves of coking coal in Letcher County, Ky. / |
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