I 28.23:5721
Preparation characteristics of coal from Preston County, W. Va. / |
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I 28.23:5722
Metallothermic reduction of vanadium chlorides / |
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I 28.23:5723
Characteristics of petroleum from the Powder River Basin, Wyo. / |
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I 28.23:5724
Smelting taconite in the Bureau of Mines experimental blast furnace / |
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I 28.23:5725
Ultimate composition of organic material in Green River oil shale / |
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I 28.23:5726
Laboratory-scale casting furnace for high-melting-point metals / |
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I 28.23:5726-5750
Removing acid gas by agitated absorption / |
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I 28.23:5727
Rapid determination of aluminum, iron, copper, cadmium, and lead in zinc-base alloys / |
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I 28.23:5728
Beneficiating manganese oxide ores from the Butte-Phillipsburgh federal stockpile / |
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I 28.23:5729
Beneficiating spodumene from pegmatites of Gaston County, N.C. / |
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I 28.23:5730
Removing acid gas by agitated absorption / |
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I 28.23:5731
Carbonizing properties of Wyoming coals / |
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I 28.23:5732
Performance of dense-medium cyclone in cleaning fine coal / |
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I 28.23:5733
Radioactive inert gases as tracers for petroleum reservoir studies / |
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I 28.23:5734
Production of bimetal-reduced hafnium / |
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I 28.23:5735
Process development in removing sulfur dioxide from hot flue gases (in four parts). |
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I 28.23:5736
Chemical analysis and electrical resistivity of selected California oilfield waters / |
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I 28.23:5737
Applying modern instrumental techniques to oilfield water analysis / |
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I 28.23:5738
High temperature furnaces for x-ray diffractometers / |
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I 28.23:5739
Fluorescent x-ray spectrography for dynamic selective oxidation rate studies : design and principles / |
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