Call Number (LC) Title Results
I 28.23:7803 Smog chamber reactivities of emissions from leaded and lead-free fuels / 1
I 28.23:7804 Subsurface disposal of pickle liquor
Subsurface disposal of pickle liquor /
I 28.23:7805 Bleeder system in virgin area in a Pittsburgh coalbed mine / 1
I 28.23:7806 Natural gas as an automotive fuel : an experimental study / 1
I 28.23:7806-7825 Suppression of coal-dust explosions by passive water barriers in a single entry mine / 1
I 28.23:7807 Continuous monitoring of coal by a neutron moisture meter / 1
I 28.23:7808 Secondary pig iron from shredded auto scrap / 1
I 28.23:7809 Separating copper from scrap by preferential melting : laboratory and economic evaluation / 1
I 28.23:7810 Response variations of a microphone worn on the human body / 1
I 28.23:7811 Accuracy and precision of several portable gas detectors / 1
I 28.23:7812 Iron oxide superconcentrates by caustic leaching / 1
I 28.23:7813 Analysis of factors influencing fracture initiation and orientation in oil reservoir sandstone / 1
I 28.23:7814 Shear testing of simulated lunar soil in ultrahigh vacuum / 1
I 28.23:7815 Suppression of coal-dust explosions by passive water barriers in a single entry mine / 1
I 28.23:7816 Electrophoresis and coagulation studies of some Florida phosphate slimes / 1
I 28.23:7817 Use of char to improve physical quality of coke from Sunnyside (Utah) coal / 1
I 28.23:7818 Evaluation of instrumentation for measuring behavior of aerosols in smog-chamber studies / 1
I 28.23:7819 Collection of airborne coal dust by steam / 1
I 28.23:7820 Compositional variations of organic material from Green River oil shale : Wyoming no. 1 core / 1
I 28.23:7821 Compound-type separation and characterization studies for a 370° to 535° C distillate of Swan Hills (South Field), Alberta, Canada, crude oil / 1